问题标签 [mpmediaitemcollection]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
ios - MPMediaQuery invalid value
I'm running an MPMediaQuery to find a song in the user's iPod library, like this:
The app crashes and spits out:
Am I doing anything wrong? Is there a better way to query for a song? Thanks everyone!
ios - 跳到 MPMusicplayercontroller 中的上一首和下一首歌曲通知?
当用户从 ipod 音乐控制器跳过时,当我在前台时到我的应用程序。我找不到任何解决方案,无论如何可以实现这一点。
swift - 从 MPMediaItemCollection 获取歌曲名称
我正在尝试将我的旧播放器从 Objective-C 重写为 Swift(通过记忆)并且遇到了麻烦。我有很多这样的歌曲
. 像这样:
但我没有得到 MPMediaItems,我得到了项目的集合。那么如何从 MPMediaItemCollections 数组中获取 MPMediaItem 并获取标题?
ios - Play music through ear speaker from user library
I'm making an app that allows the user to choose a music from his/her library and play it through the ear speaker. I got everything working, but this. I don't know how to play this audio through the ear speaker. The code I'm using to lay the audio is:
If someone can help me it would be awesome, thanks in advance
From what I've seen, this class MpMusicPlayerController
is independent from my app, so it will ignore any instructions, right? So probably I can't play through the ear speaker with this class. Does anyone know how to play a library music through the ear speaker?
swift - Play items from MPMediaItemCollection in AVPlayer [Swift]
Here is the thing, I have a MPMediaItemCollection with user choosen items(from the library). I used the mediaPicker to do that. Now, I need to get the URL from these items so I can play them on a AVPlayer. This is the best I can find, but when I "translate" to swift it gets messed up. If someone can help me I would appreciate a lot.
ios - 如何从 NSUserDefaults 中检索数据?
目前,我尝试制作一个音乐播放列表应用程序。我尝试从 NSUserDefaults 保存和检索播放列表数据。保存数据时我没有问题,但检索数据时出现错误。
由于未捕获的异常'MPMediaItemCollectionInitException'而终止应用程序,原因:'-init 不受支持,使用 -initWithItems:
我正在关注从保存的 persistentid 列表中检索的 Play iPod 播放列表中的答案,但我尝试用 swift 编写它。
ios - 如何将 MPMediaItemCollection 保存到数据库?
我已经尝试过从保存的 persistentid 列表中检索到的 Play iPod 播放列表,但我意识到它只能保存一个播放列表。CMIIW
那么如何在核心数据或 NSUserDefaults 中保存许多播放列表?
ios - 快速从 iPod 库中获取专辑列表
我想用 Swift 制作一个简单的媒体播放器。我想用 iphone 上的所有专辑制作一张桌子,在选择专辑后我想播放它的歌曲。但我无法获得专辑标题(和艺术品)。
ios - 在 Swift 中 MPMediaItemCollection 的特定索引处播放歌曲
我尝试用 Swift 制作自己的音乐播放器。我需要跳转到我的 MPMediaItemCollection 的特定歌曲/索引并开始播放它,但我只能找到像 skipToNextItem() 和 skipToPreviousItem() 这样的方法。除了循环还有其他方法吗?