问题标签 [minesweeper]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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java - 调用 getContentPane().removeAll() 后 JFrame 冻结

这个问题的标题不言自明。我正在使用 JFrame 制作扫雷游戏的克隆,并且刚刚完成了玩家选择游戏大小的起始屏幕。单击按钮时,应该清除框架以准备进入游戏屏幕。当我单击一个按钮时,该按钮仍处于“按下”状态,JFrame 冻结,我必须将其关闭。我究竟做错了什么?


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java - 将 JButtons 数组添加到 JFrame 时出现 Nullpointerexception

我正在使用(稍作修改)JButtons 制作扫雷游戏的克隆。因为扫雷中有很多游戏图块,所以我将它们存储为一个数组。当我尝试使用 for 循环将按钮添加到 Frame 时,按钮上出现 nullpointerexception。ButtonObject 类是从 JButton 类扩展而来的,只有两个额外的变量和 getter/setter 方法。出了什么问题?


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javascript - 扫雷的Javascript递归



我将添加检查以确保没有无限循环,但现在它只是对角左上角直到遇到一个非 0 单元格,而不是检查所有周围的单元格。

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c - 我在类型转换方面遇到了一些麻烦


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python - 我用 Python 编写的扫雷程序揭示了整个电路板 - 递归问题

我正在尝试使用 Python 编写扫雷程序。除了我的级联显示之外,一切都运行良好。这是我所拥有的:

ActualBoard 包含所有显示的列表列表,即:

对于一个带有一个地雷的 4x4 板。

GameBoard 也包含一个列表列表,但是当游戏开始时,它看起来像这样:

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java - 扫雷地雷不会放置或出现

为什么这段代码在运行时不会加载按钮?我知道这个问题非常模糊,但我对 Java 很陌生,并且试图一次理解很多东西。此代码基于我之前两次成功尝试编写井字游戏和连接四的代码,这两种代码都有效。

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java - 如何使用 JMenuItem 重置 JFrame(重启游戏)?




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java - 小程序不会初始化,但需要抽象


发现我需要使用 MouseListener ....这似乎很好,但我的主要错误是我无法让小程序初始化并且不明白为什么。我读了这个,但无法理解解决方案: Java 中的抽象类错误


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python - hiding a widget according to x, y coordinates

I'm quite a newbie when it comes to programming, and in our programming excercise in school I'm making a minesweeper game in python using TKinter as GUI. The game works, except my "floodfill" algorithm, to clear any adjacent blank spaces. I have made the board, printed a previously created list, according to choices(height, width and amount of mines) chosen by the user, with labels, and hidden these labels behind buttons.

I can bind events to hide these buttons when clicked on, but what I also want is to be able to hide the buttons nearby, with the help of my floodfill algorithm. I feel like all I need anymore is the line of code that will hide the button according to x and y coordinates, and not just the one that's clicked upon. I think you've got the idea,

the long line of # is where I believe is all I need anymore to get this system to work, in something like "button.position(x, y). I attempted to save the button in the blist, and maybe I could get the correct button that needs to be hidden from it, with the help of x and y coordinates?

of course, if you have a better idea how to solve this problem, I'd love to hear it.

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algorithm - 扫雷特例



0 是空格,数字是数字,* 是我的。考虑到顶部 0 和右侧 0 没有相互接触,单击任何 0 应该会显示对角相邻的 0?我在玩在线游戏时没有遇到这种情况。