问题标签 [load-time]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
ruby - 是否可以在 c 扩展中编组解释的 ruby 代码数据以加快加载时间?
Ruby 2.0.0 在加载时间上对我们产生了很大的影响。我想知道我们是否可以通过 c-extension 缓存解释的 ruby 代码数据来获得更好的加载时间。我在阅读“嵌入 Ruby 解释器”部分时想到了这个想法。这是一个片段,其中添加了一些缓存伪代码。
php - 优化昂贵的 php 查询/子查询
我有一个包含 3 列的表:submission_id、column_id、data。每个submission_id 有25 列和数据值。
我有一个页面显示 column_id = 16 和 data = ('' or 0) 的所有提交。为此,我使用子查询来获取我需要的所有不同的submission_id,然后获取主查询中的所有列。我的查询是:
SELECT sid,cid,data FROM webform_submitted_data WHERE sid in(select distinct sid from webform_submitted_data where cid=16 and data in (' ',0)) ORDER BY sid ASC
表越来越大,从 PHP 运行查询现在需要 30-40 秒(虽然从 MYSQL 只需要 1.0e-6 秒)这不是 PHP 开销,我使用 mysqld-slow.log 文件检查,我得到如下: <-- # Query_time: 32.975552 Lock_time: 0.000138 Rows_sent: 108 Rows_examined: 177396 -->
我还尝试在 PHP 中运行解释![解释]:( http://i.imgur.com/692eyHf.png )
还有一件事,这个页面更新了当前提交,并在 column_id 16 中放置了一个 ID 值,当它重新加载时,它会从页面中删除。没有更新的重新加载需要不到一秒的时间,但是当我们需要更新 100 条记录时,它每次都会重建缓存。
javascript - How to Load Data into Javascript Objects
I'm currently writing a web application that requires some data from the server to be stored in a Javascript object. The amount of data that needs to be loaded is very small, probably around 1 KB. I'm faced with the decision of how to load the data into the application. Here are the two obvious (to me anyway) paths I could take:
1 - Using jQuery's document-ready function, I make an AJAX request to the server and store the response in the appropriate Javascript object. It might look something like this.
2 - The alternative would be to send the data along with the page during the initial page request. In order to do that, I would have my server generate the data and output it in the markup between <script>
tags. Since my current project is in PHP, it would look something like this:
The jQuery document-ready function would later look for the global variable called window.myData
and load it into the appropriate Javascript object like this:
Is there a preferred way of loading data into Javascript objects? Although the amount of data being stored is relatively small, the AJAX call could result in a longer wait if the server's ping isn't great. However, it would seem that AJAX calls are more popular when it comes to these things. Is there a valid reason?
EDIT: The data would very rarely be changed (maybe once a year). Therefore, browser caching should not be much of an issue.
performance - Ember.js 应用程序的加载时间极长
我正在使用 Ember.js 为我的公司建立一个网站。
我遇到的问题是页面的初始加载时间约为 10 秒。
我不能给你来自 chrome 的分析数据,因为我不能让他们失业。然而,当我看到它们时,我注意到有一个名为“Get”的函数,总共需要大约 8.5 秒。我意识到这可能只是 Ember.Get() 的许多用途,但这仍然只是初始页面加载。
vb.net - 如何快速加载 50+ 控件?vb.net winform
我有一个很大的表单,上面有很多控件(50+)。显示所有这些的逻辑一点也不复杂,只需根据用户的不同进行一些检查。我已经尝试实现一个后台工作程序,但是它加载得更快,控件仍然滞后并等待 UI 线程完成,然后再加载被扔进后台工作程序的控件。还有其他选择吗?只是想看看 3.5 有哪些类型的选项:)
html - 在接收 HTML 和准备好 DOM 之间发生了什么?
附上一张图片 - 请告诉我在突出显示的时间内发生了什么(在接收 HTML 和准备好 DOM 之间)。
我认为它是什么 - 也许它是 DOM intself 生成的?但是为什么这么久?在这个测试页面中有 10 个 HTML 标签。
android - 如何减少android phonegap中的加载时间
从最近几天开始,我正在研究 Phone Gap 及其构建跨平台应用程序的良好平台。
我的问题是每个 HTML 页面都需要太多时间来加载。我很简单使用 Jquery 移动 UI 设计。
加载和显示页面总是需要 7 到 8 秒。
wpf - 如何计时 ListBox 加载时间 WPF
我正在玩 DataVirtualization 和 Async。我有哪些选项可以量化我将虚拟化数据集合绑定到的 ListBox 的加载时间?
我应该在后面的代码中的 ListBox_Loaded 事件上放一个秒表吗?
image - 页面上 1 个图像的 2 个实例
google-analytics - Does google measure page load on push state?
I'm currently working on a website which is structured as a single page app (loads everything in once). The site relies on the pushState api in order to function and of course for analytics purposes we correctly track the user on these events so our views are accurate.
What I am wondering though, as it's currently my main focus, is whether google analytics is measuring page load when these page tracking events occur? And if so how exactly does it calculate the load time in this circumstance. (I know on initial page load it will use the navigation API)
Thanks in advance!