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For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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php - How to send file via FTP and bypass the quota limit?

On my server there are limit of max 2MB file sended by FTP. If I send it by some script in PHP, there are no restriction, and I want to send something around 3.8MB. Any ideas?

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sql - SQL Count total number of rows whilst using LIMIT

I'm trying to create a simple image gallery, showing 16 images per page. I'm using LIMIT 16 to display the correct amount on the page, but if there are more than 16 rows, I want to have links at the bottom, allowing the user to navigate to the next page.

I know I could achieve the desired result by removing the limit and simply using a loop to display the first 16 items, but this would be inefficient. Obviously, COUNTING the number of rows would always = 16.

Can anyone suggest a more efficient way of doing it?


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c++ - RichTextBox 字符数限制?


我正在尝试读取一个相当大的文本文件(从 90mb 到 450mb 的任何地方),并将我读过的内容放在一个富文本框中。它在一个简单的程序中工作,但是当我在一个复杂的程序中工作时,我得到一个 OutOfMemory 异常。

需要注意的一点是,当我退出我的简单程序时,我在程序返回 0 之前得到了 OutOfMemory 异常。


我的项目中有类似的代码片段,当我执行richTextBox1->Lines = strArray 行时会弹出异常。

我已经阅读了富文本框的文档,它说最大限制是 64KB 的字符,但这在中途是有道理的,因为我可以加载文本,但我猜程序在之后转储它时有问题。


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limit - 用于消息的令牌桶或泄漏桶

我试图将我的应用程序发送速率限制为 900kbps,但问题是我使用的协议是面向消息的,并且消息的大小非常不同。我可以接收从 40 字节一直到 125000 字节的消息,并且所有消息都作为原子单元发送。


这是我在 C 中的小实现:

然后在 main() 的某个地方:

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python - Connection refused when trying to open, write and close a socket a few times (Python)

I have a program that listens on a port waiting for a small amount of data to tell it what to do. I run 5 instances of that program, one on each port from 5000 to 5004 inclusively.

I have a second program written in Python that creates a socket "s", writes the data to port 5000, then closes. It then increments the port number and creates a new socket connected to 5001. It does this until it reaches 5004.

The first three socket connections work just fine. The programs on ports 5000 to 5002 receive the data just fine and off they go! However, the fourth socket connection results in a "Connection Refused" error message. Meanwhile, the fourth listening program still reports that it is waiting on port 5003 -- I know that it's listening properly because I am able to connect to it using Telnet.

I've tried changing the port numbers, and each time it's the fourth connection that fails.

Is there some limit in the system I should check on? I only have one socket open at any time on the sending side, and the fact that I can get 3 of the 5 through eliminates a lot of the basic troubleshooting steps I can think of.

Any thoughts? Thanks!

--- EDIT ---

I'm on CentOS Linux with Python version 2.6. Here's some example code:

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mysql - 在 mysql 中文本列中存储超过 64000 个时出现问题

我很难在 mysql 中定义为 mediumtext 的列中存储超过 64000 个。我之前遇到了 text 数据类型的限制,因此决定删除该列并将其重新创建为 mediumtext 字段。麻烦的是,我的数据被截断为 64000 字节。

我确实仔细检查了该字段现在是一个中等文本字段。我能说的最好的情况是,您不必像使用 varchar 字段那样创建列时指定长度。

任何想法为什么这将限制为 64000 以及如何更改它?

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mysql - 如何在 MySQL 中同时使用 MAX 和 LIMIT


身份证 | 颜色

1 | 红
2 | 蓝色
3 | 黄色
8 | 紫
10| 绿色


我希望能够获取前 5 行的 MAX ID 值。

例如,我想做这样的事情: Select MAX(ID) From Table LIMIT 5

希望这会返回值 10

但是,MySQL 不断返回 100 ......就像 MySQL 甚至没有看到 LIMIT 子句一样。

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php - 限制函数或命令 PHP 的执行时间



退出 set_time_limit 但我认为这将时间限制设置为整个脚本。有人有什么想法吗?

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mysql - 限制 MySql 中的条件



我想要得到的是一个查询,每个 projectid 只会给我 5 行。( WHERE 语句的 LIMIT 但不是整个 SELECT 的限制)

如果我使用 LIMIT,我总共会得到 5 个结果。

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wcf - 我可以不加载给定的映射属性(休眠)吗?

我正在为我的项目使用 WCF,我需要通过它传输一些实体。

问题是其中一些里面有列表,有大量的项目等等,考虑到它的大小,我不能通过 WCF 传递它。
