On my server there are limit of max 2MB file sended by FTP. If I send it by some script in PHP, there are no restriction, and I want to send something around 3.8MB. Any ideas?
2 回答
there is a program that could split any file into pieces, it is called Hjsplit(here is the link: freebyte.com/hjsplit). once you have splitted the file and uploaded it onto the server, there is a php script which lets you re-join the splitted file.
This answer comes from my wild imagination, and not quite sure if its possible. I would try to get the content of the file and separating it into two, and then uploading the first file and then appending the content of the second file to the first one.
If the original file is:
split it into two files:
File One:01010101010 File Two:10100101010
Upload the first file and then append file two.