问题标签 [liferay-velocity]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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liferay-6 - Liferay:saxReaderUtil 结果

在从 Liferay 网络内容文章中获取结果时,使用 SAX 阅读器和 Velocity ,结果数限制为 5!



我正在使用 Liferay 6.0.6


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liferay - 设置主菜单链接项(或页面名称)的“标题”属性

当我将鼠标悬停在 Liferay 的主菜单项上时,我希望有工具提示。默认情况下,没有办法做到这一点。即使在*.vm文件中,标记也不包括链接的任何标题属性。

我试图解决的方法是为页面定义一个自定义属性。这给了我一个 Liferay 本身的界面来输入我可能想要的标题值。然后我打算使用这个值作为菜单链接的标题值。不确定这是否会起作用。


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liferay-6 - How to get Server Name and Server Port from Liferay velocity template?

In jsp page we can get Server Name and Server Port by using request.getServerName() and request.getServerPort().`

As we can't get HttpServletRequest from Liferay velocity template, Is there any other way to get both Server Name and Server Port ? Please answer with a small code snippet..

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jsp - How to show site page urls in Liferay jsp portlet?

I would like to show some site page urls in a Liferay jsp portlet. I'm using Liferay 6.1 EE. I would like to use page's localized title and other custom fields added (e.g. cssClass).

I have done the same for the navigation bar, for my velocity theme:

How could I write the same code using jsp?

I have found a similar quesion, but there was not a clear code example for jsp in answers.

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exception-handling - 找不到布局时如何在 Liferay Velocity 主题中捕获 NoSuchLayoutException?





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liferay - Customizing portal's navigation bar

I want to customize the navigation bar in my theme. I searched for the CSS file that styles the navigation bar in the css directory but I couldn't find it.

In the nagivation.vm file, the navigation is declared as follows:

and using firebug I found out that the class is

sort-pages modify-pages.

I appreciate your help.


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liferay - 将数据传递给 liferay 中的模板文件

我想将导航项支持的语言等数据传递给 portal_normal.vm 文件,以便它显示在门户上。



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java - Velocity 无法链接 CSS 文件

我正在尝试在我的速度文件中链接 CSS 文件,但由于某种原因无法正常工作。有任何想法吗?

CSS 文件名:custom.css 速度文件 snip 代码:

另一方面,我得到带有错误行下划线的“javascript”和“href”字样。稍后在 int 他代码“href”不再加下划线。



编辑:我将 liferay 6.1 与 Tomcat 7 和 Liferay SDK for Eclipse 一起使用。我正在尝试将网站模板集成到使用 SDK 创建的 liferay 主题中。

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liferay - CSS 到 Liferay 主题

我有一个 CSS 网页设计,我想转换为 Liferay 主题。这可能吗?

我正在使用 Liferay 6.1 Ga2 与 Tomcat 7 和 Liferay SDK for java。



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intellij-idea - How to make Liferays VelocityVariables accessable for Intellisense in IntelliJ 12

i've our Liferay web content templates (.vm) in a IntelliJ-12 project and want to make the VelocityVariables accessable in the Editor, so some code like this:

knows about $getterUtil, $request and it's methods from all those VelocityVariables

Is this possible in any way?