I would like to show some site page urls in a Liferay jsp portlet. I'm using Liferay 6.1 EE. I would like to use page's localized title and other custom fields added (e.g. cssClass).

I have done the same for the navigation bar, for my velocity theme:

#if (!$page_group.isUser())

    #set($layoutLocalService = $serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutLocalService"))

    <ul id="quickLinks">
            #set($currFriendlyUrl = "/i-want-to")
            #set($currLayout = $layoutLocalService.getFriendlyURLLayout($group_id, true, $currFriendlyUrl))
            <a href="$currLayout.getRegularURL($request)" $currLayout.getTarget() class="$currLayout.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute('cssClass')">$currLayout.getName($locale)</a>

How could I write the same code using jsp?

I have found a similar quesion, but there was not a clear code example for jsp in answers.


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<%@ page import="com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutLocalServiceUtil" %>
<% if (!layout.getGroup().isUserGroup()) { %>
    <ul id="quickLinks">
            <% Layout currLayout = LayoutLocalServiceUtil.getFriendlyURLLayout(scopeGroupId, true, "/i-want-to"); %>
            <a href="<%=currLayout.getRegularURL(request)%>" <%=currLayout.getTarget()%> class='<%=currLayout.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("cssClass")%>'><%=currLayout.getName(locale)%></a>
<% } %>
于 2013-04-18T12:00:12.287 回答