问题标签 [layar]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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vuforia - Vuforia vs Metaio vs Layar

我是无标记 AR 的新手。我已经完成了一个基于标记的 AR 应用程序。由于我想基于 Markerless AR 开发应用程序,并且考虑到我是无标记 AR 的新手,我想了解以下 SDK 的优缺点:Vuforia、Metaio 和 Layar,以开始开发无标记 AR 应用程序。

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android - 使虚拟对象与移动设备的触摸输入交互 - 增强现实

我想为 android 开发一个增强现实应用程序,它能够使用标记来生成 3D 对象,并且这些 3D 对象在使用移动设备的触摸输入进行触摸时是交互式的。

我浏览了Vuforia、Junaio 或 Layar Player等可用的 SDK ,发现它们都支持:

  • 使用 3D 虚拟图像叠加进行标记检测
  • 使它们不可见时激活的虚拟按钮。(武佛利亚)
  • 交互式视频播放。


  • AR 中的虚拟对象可以使用移动设备的触摸进行交互。





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ios - iOS:Realm + Layar SDK = 断言失败:typeid(Col) == typeid(col)

我一直在尝试在我的应用程序中集成一个新的 SDK(来自Layar),它已经包含了 Realm SDK。

到目前为止,该应用程序运行良好(使用 Realm)。一旦我按照上面链接中的步骤添加 Layar SDK(我实际上并没有调用任何功能,我只是添加了框架和依赖项),应用程序在 Realm 配置启动时崩溃,并带有以下跟踪。


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java - Unity C# and Layar SDK Java - AndroidJavaException

I'm Trying to Integrate Layar SDK to Unity. But I've got some issue.

Here is the AndroidManifest.xml

and This is My c#

Error :

AndroidJavaException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.layar.player

As I understand it, it didn't found a Class named like this in the Java. So The problem is what ? I'm calling the wrong activity?

Here is the link to Layar API link

As I see in the Layar API the class is "LayarVisionSDK".

So Maybe this should work?

I certainly doing it wrong but if any of you have a direction to follow, I'll be glad to learn :)


This is from the APK

So instead of using

I'm using

But still not sucessfull. I'm asking myself if the problem may be not where it seem to be.


OK ! I found why I get this error, the API doc was not updated so i checked in the java package and found where was the "initialize" method.

So here is the new c# code.

But I got a new error :

Am I missing a android library?