问题标签 [justify]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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android - 对齐TextView android中的单词

是否可以证明 android.textview 字段的合理性?

我目前在我的文本视图中显示泰米尔语单词,para 看起来很尴尬有人可以告诉我如何证明这个字段的合理性吗


我还在很多论坛上搜索并红了 android 不支持理由,但这些论坛至少有 18 个月的历史。

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android - 应用停止工作

首先我正在尝试这种方式。然后我被卡住了,然后我问了问题但是没有人给出任何答案。然后我尝试@sayed.jalil 在此链接中建议的另一种方式。但是我的应用程序停止工作。如果有人为第一个链接提供答案真的很受欢迎。如果有人想根据@sayed.jalil 的回答来回答我尝试过的替代方案。为此,我的代码如下 -

Xml 代码 -


JustifiedTextView.java -


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html - 换行,使所有行的长度大致相同

如何使用 CSS 包装文本以使等行的长度大致相等?之前有人问过这个问题,但没有得到很好的答案。例如,以以下文本为例:

<div class="evenwrap"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipisicing elit,sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua。 </div>





我已经尝试过text-align:justifytext-justify:newspaperwhite-space:nowrap,但没有一个有效,我很茫然。是否有 CSS 解决方案,或者我必须求助于 javascript?

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javascript - Browsers ignore justification for runtime generated content

A common trick to evenly distribute blocks of content within a container is to give them a display:inline-block CSS property, and then apply text-align:justify to the parent container, so:

And CSS:

This works fine in all browsers, including IE8+, as shown in this sample Fiddle. The last line reverts to left alignment since I didn't set text-align-last, which is fine, and unsupported by Webkit stable anyway.

However, if you now start generating additional div elements with Javascript, the layout engines somehow seem to completely forget about justification.

Refer to this second Fiddle which includes a periodical function adding a div every second. I have tested this in Chrome beta, Firefox latest, IE10 and IE11 - and all of them first screw up the last line completely, semi-justifying the generated content based on the previously available space, and then just left-aligning all following elements.

I have tried everything in Firebug and IE/Chrome dev tools, changing and resetting properties, but can't trigger a 'rejustification' in any way - they accept text-align:right, but if you then reset it to text-align:justify it just jumps back to left alignment again. Playing with white-space, letter-spacing and word-spacing just have no visible effect.

The relevant section in the W3 CSS standards provides no justification (pun intended) for this behaviour either as far as I can see.

Is there any fix or workaround for this issue?

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r - 如何在 R ggplot 中证明文本轴标签的合理性

我有一个带有沿 x 轴的文本标签的条形图。有些标签很长,我想让它们看起来更整洁。关于我如何实现这一目标的任何想法?

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css - 具有未知宽度和子元素数量的对齐网格

我正在尝试使用未知数量的子元素和未知宽度来做一个完美的对齐网格。每个元素都包含一个不同的单词。in 单词之间的空格<div></div>必须相同。

这是示例:http: //jsfiddle.net/CeBdP/

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c++ - C++ 文本全对齐


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html - 对齐文本中的超链接间距




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bash - 如何使用 bash 格式化文本文件,因为它可以在手册页中看到(证明文本,仅此而已)



预期结果 :



编辑:按照建议使用 par ,我发现重音字符有问题。这就是为我提供标准杆 37j1 的原因:




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html - Html css用angularJS证明故障


现在的问题是,当我使用 AngularJS 生成元素时 text-align justify 不再起作用。



有什么我可以在 AngularJS 或 CSS 中改变的吗?

我怎样才能做到这一点 ?

AngularJS 代码:

tags 只是一个 javascript 数组: