问题标签 [integer-partition]

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python - 将 Python 生成器转换为 C 函数

我正在尝试将 Python 生成器转换为 C 中的函数。如果值得一提,我正在尝试编写一个程序,将整数 n 划分为 l 个不同的部分。我相信我已经完成了大部分工作,我不知道如何实现产量。这是发电机


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random - 随机抽样整数分区(不限制部分数量)

我有一个整数 N,我希望随机生成一个可能的分区。例如,N=5 有 7 个分区:

  1. (5) - K=1 份
  2. (4, 1) - K=2 份
  3. (3, 2) - K=2 份
  4. (3, 1, 1) - K=3 份
  5. (2, 2, 1) - K=3 份
  6. (2, 1, 1, 1) - K=4 份
  7. (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) - K=5 份

我想要一种算法,它可以以 1/7 的概率输出这些中的每一个。

生成所有此类分区或仅限于 K 个部分的所有分区的算法很容易找到。

但是,我正在寻找的不是先验限制 K。我不能随机均匀地选择 K,因为 K 不是均匀分布的,而且分布不是微不足道的。如果我事先知道零件尺寸的精确分布,我可以使用它对 K 进行采样,然后使用现有算法之一,但我找不到这样做的方法。一项数值调查表明,绝大多数分区的 K 都很小。

我无法预先生成分区列表,因为 N=100 已经有数亿个分区了。但即使对于我需要的范围内的 N=1000,每个单独的分区也将主要是一个小数字的简短列表。


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python - Partitioning algorithm for a list of lists in Python

I'm working on a music related problem and I need some help with a crucial step.

I have four lists of numbers from 0 to 11 (including). These lists are to be thought of as vertically aligned. I want to partition those 4 lists into 4 blocks, each block containing all the numbers from 0 to 11, and each row of the block containing 0 to 11 elements from each list. An example:

A solution is to take elements from the beginning of each row and combining then. For example, a solution for partitioning this block is:

The block would look like this:

Here, if we take the elements of same index on each p_list, we have a complete listing of the numbers from 0 to 11 (we can see this by looking at the lists vertically). For instance:

My problem is not to verify a solution, is to actually find one algorhitmically. That is, given 4 rows, how to find a sequence of partitions that is a solution to the problem. Since my background is mostly on music, I come to you for some assistance.

Thank you in advance!

EDIT: As pointed out below, there's also the [(12),(12),(12),(12)] solution. The goal here is to achieve as much diversity as possible of solutions, running this algorhithm through a large number of quartets of different rows.