问题标签 [html5builder]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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javascript - Are there different products of jqGrid?

I have Html 5 builder XE5 and installed the jqGrid from YouTUbe how to Moreover I found an answer to my problem at Answer but when I add this to my H5B I get no reaction at the document.write line on a new page. WHat do I wrong? I my jqGrid not the same for what that answer is? My code looks like this:

the fabove function is a JS event function at OnDblClickRow at my jqgrid. I am a little bit confused. COuld any help me please? Thanks

Edit: Now always comes "No rows are selected", even when I select a row.

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html5builder - HTML5_Builder 上传组件 PHP 上传

使用来自 HTML5 Builder Embarcadero 的上传组件

上传是表单上启用提交的按钮。但是文档并没有告诉我实际文件的去向。在假定的成功上传后调用此函数时,上传的所有名称都会出现。我可以在备忘录框中看到临时文件名、文件名、文件大小等。但是,当我从 Windows 10 中的 HTML 5 Builder 或服务器上尝试此操作时,上传的目标文件似乎不存在。我肯定错过了什么。

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url - HTML5-Builder 客户端 javascript 调用 URL 不起作用?

HTML5 新手。客户页面 (javascript)。我有一个按钮,我想在另一个浏览器选项卡中调用另一个页面。它不会那样做,只是在同一个选项卡中重新加载同一个页面。


还尝试了诸如 window.open(' http://www.google.com ', "My Page", "width=400,height=400");


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deployment - 在共享主机上部署基于 Datasnap 的 HTML5 Builder 网页

我在 HTML5 Builder 中创建了网页(webapp),它与 Datasnap 服务器一起运行。在 localhost 上一切正常,我可以说我非常满意。当我尝试在低预算主机上部署它时,它会显示如下错误:

所以我开始搜索,结论是webapp上的这种不能在共享主机上运行。我的问题是:我必须为它购买专用服务器吗?是否可以选择将其部署在例如 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) 上?还是其他云?其他想法?