I have Html 5 builder XE5 and installed the jqGrid from YouTUbe how to Moreover I found an answer to my problem at Answer but when I add this to my H5B I get no reaction at the document.write line on a new page. WHat do I wrong? I my jqGrid not the same for what that answer is? My code looks like this:

   function jqgrid1JSDblClickRow($sender, $params)


    //begin js

        var grid = $("#jqGrid");
        var rowKey = grid.getGridParam("selrow");

        if (rowKey)
            alert("Selected row primary key is: " + rowKey);
            alert("No rows are selected");


the fabove function is a JS event function at OnDblClickRow at my jqgrid. I am a little bit confused. COuld any help me please? Thanks

Edit: Now always comes "No rows are selected", even when I select a row.


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