问题标签 [html-object]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c# - HTML 对象元素重叠 div

我正在使用该<object>元素在此 div 内的另一个项目中引用一个类,但该对象似乎对 CSS 没有反应,并且当我向上和向下滚动时它在它所在的 div 之外重叠,有人遇到过这个问题吗?

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html - 改变对象标签更新机制

当我使用此对象标记并且 Java 更新可用时,它会显示一个提示,但在选择“更新”选项后,它将我的页面重定向到实际的更新页面。有没有办法指定在新窗口或选项卡中打开更新页面而不是重定向当前页面?

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javascript - 将对象元素注入 HTML - ActiveX

我试图将我的表单与 ActiveX 对象集成,但我看到了奇怪的行为。当我将硬编码的对象元素添加到 html

当我在运行时注入对象元素时,我能够 geteklementbyid 并调用组件函数


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javascript - 检查由外部 HTML 触发的事件

I'm looking for a way to know the last event fired by an external object ( HTML tag).

The problem is that when I put some code in the page to handle specific event through the HTML tag <script fo

I'm looking for a way to know the last event fired by an external object ( HTML tag).

The problem is that when I put some code in the page to handle specific event through the HTML tag <script for="" event="">handler()</script>, the event listener function(handler()) get also executed whenever the script tag is loaded into the page and not only when the specific event is fired.

The window.event variable is always null if checked during the event handler execution.

Test environment: IE10

Cheers, Andrea

You could do this

  1. Add the keyDown callback to the input (I assume it is an HTMLInputElement)

  2. In the keyDown callback delay the call to searchNameFromInput function so that the value of the input has already change when you check it.

  3. Filter elements in nameArray by creating a regex that checks for matches of names with your input value from the beginning (for instance: "an" would match "anivia" and "annie")

The code looks like this

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html - The defference between Html5's object tag and audio tag when using data url

I need to play some music in html5 by using audio tag. The data is a base64 string(data:audio/wav;base64,xxxxxx) which is generated by the server. Like image tag,it is said that audio tag can also use the data url,so I tried this:

But I failed,nothing happened. I searched for the result and find this:

Play audio using base64 data in html5

There is a data url in the answer and I tried it,it played well.

So I think my base64 data is wrong,but when I put the data url into the browser address bar.It is played by some plugin!!Just the same performance like below(worked well but need to use a plugin):

So my question is: what is the difference between the two ways?

I think there maybe some file header that should be contained when using audio tag,but I am not sure about it.

I find this link where the guy use the header template(RIFF<##>WAVEfmt \x10\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00<##><##>\x02\x00\x10\x00data<##>"):

Playing audio from data:url google chrome mobile

Appreciate for any help,thanks in advance.

EDIT Oh,so sorry to find out that most browsers do not support for the audio/midi data type,the object tag can play it because the plugin is more powerful. And I found a midi.js here:


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javascript - 用 javascript 连接 html 对象数组

我正在尝试合并两个由 html 对象组成的数组。出于某种原因,使用 .concat() 对我不起作用。

这是一个简单的笔来演示这个问题:http ://codepen.io/anon/pen/kIeyB


我认为您可以使用 for 循环以经典的方式做到这一点,但我宁愿不重新发明轮子。

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javascript - 使用对象标签从 JavaScript 加载 Flash

我尝试从外部源或本地源加载闪存(swf 文件),

出于某种原因,我在 html 中使用 object 标签来包含 flash,如果我直接在 object 标签中加载 flash,它将完美地工作,如下所示:

接下来,我需要从 JavaScript 动态加载 flash,但是出现了几个问题:

上面的代码在 Chrome 中运行良好,但在 IE 中没有任何作用(我的 IE 在 Windows 8 上是 IE11)

如果我将对象标签修改为 iframe 标签,那么它可以工作,但我需要它是对象标签,


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html - 嵌入“对象”标签不适用于动态数据

我正在尝试使用对象标签而不是 iframe 嵌入 youtube 视频。但是,即使 element.url 指向正确的 url,它也不起作用。如果我只用 url 替换 {{element.url}} (在对象标记中),它就可以正常工作。iframe 按原样工作。

为什么 {{element.url}} 在 iframe 中有效,但在对象标签中无效?

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html - Safari 打开 SVG 的下载对话框,而不是显示图像


我遇到的问题是 Windows 上的 Safari 不是渲染 svg 图像,而是打开一个下载对话框。该网站托管在 IIS 7 上。我在 web.config 中设置了 MIME,如下所示。


图片路径正确,图片在 Firefox、Chrome 和 IE 上渲染良好。

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html - 如何向对象添加替代文本?


我应该在哪里放置 alt 标签以便用户看到文本?这段代码中显示的对象是一个视频,我在网上寻找解决方案,但似乎找不到明确的答案。(三个点只是用来替换代码)