问题标签 [google-schemas]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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gmail-api - 使用 gmail api 访问委派的邮件文件夹

假设有 alice@gmail.com 和 bob@gmail.com。Alice 已将她的帐户委托给 Bob。当我向 Bob 进行身份验证并尝试使用 REST 接口列出 Alice 收件箱时,我收到 403 错误:

用于查询收件箱的 URL 是:

当我使用 bob@gmail.com(或我)作为 userId 时,没有问题。如何访问 Alice 的帐户?


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gmail-api - RFC822 Message-Id in new Gmail API

We are trying to set manually the RFC822 Message-Id when sending emails using the gmail api. We have tested but seen that Gmail overrides our value. Do you know if there is a reason for this? Can we do something for this?

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google-schemas - Can't grant access to to contextual gmail gadget

I have created a manifest and a gadget file. I uploaded the manifest and made the gadget available on the web. I deployed the application and verified it was in my google apps domain. However when I go to Admin Console->Market Place Apps->My App Name. it shows that I need to grant access. When I click grant data access it opens a new pages and starts to load, but nothing but the header ever load.

I can see google retrieving the gadget file from my webserver, but the gadget doesn't seme to be working in gmail and I see no indication it has been loaded. I am using the ?nogadgetcache=1 flag.

I have tried using a couple of supposed working examples and always get the same results.

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gmail - 对于复杂的审核,我应该使用什么操作?



我应该使用Go-to 操作吗?或者有没有办法使用应用内审查操作来收集部分数据,然后重定向到部分填写的问卷以提供回答其他问题的选项?

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google-schemas - 在gmail中测试EmailMessage json


对于测试来说,它是否是一个过孔是否重要?“@gmail.com 通过 amazonses.com”


邮寄者:amazonses.com 和签名者:amazonses.com

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email - 通过 IMAP 设置 gmail 的电子邮件类别(社交、促销)

我正在实现一个电子邮件客户端,并希望允许用户跨“类别”移动电子邮件,例如从“主要”到“社交”。如何通过 IMAP 命令或 Gmail IMAP 扩展来做到这一点?

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gmail - 将 Google Actions / Schemas 导入 Google Now

我一直在发送包含 schema.org 标记的测试电子邮件。它们在 Gmail 中运行良好,可以正确显示操作按钮。然而,他们从来没有通过 Google Now。

我已经尝试过包裹跟踪、事件、航班等。使用我自己的代码和 Google Developers 网站上提供的代码示例。Google Now 设置为接收基于 Gmail 帐户的卡片,但它们从未通过。

我可以找到许多与我有完全相同问题的人的例子,但似乎没有人有解决方案。我能否澄清一下,这不是标头中的 SPF 检查或 DKIM 签名的问题。架构标记在 Gmail 中完美运行。这只是将其从 gmail 转到 Google Now 的问题。



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api - get authuser from url coming in consent screen while accessing gmail api

I have created one application in which I am fetching all the mails from inbox of gmail in my application. Now what I want is when user clicks on any of the email in my application, then user should be redirected to actual gmail and email on which user has clicked that should be opened in gmail. So I am achieving that functionality by providing mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/ link in href tag in my application.

Now problem I am facing here is let's say user has multiple gmail accounts open in browser. As I have provided hard coder url "https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/", it's always opening mail in "0" authuser id. So is there any way that I can get this value dynamically in my application. I checked that how gmail is doing that let's say when I opened first gmail account that url will be mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox. If I open another account then url will be mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#inbox. So insted of 0, now it will be 1.

So I have checked that when we are accessing any gmail api, google is providing with the consent screen and if multiple accounts are opened that google will provide you screen in which you can choose the account. After you choose the account, consent screen will come. So url will be like "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.readonly&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/web/guest/GmailDashboard&access_type=online&approval_prompt=auto&client_id=19502573792-0fvebvrb4jg1usmn2r0hfka31la8gtfs.apps.googleusercontent.com&hl=en&from_login=1&as=4ded27cb6d28ee3b&pli=1&authuser=0". I want the last parameter authuser in my application.

Any help will be really appreciated.

Thanks and Regards, Abdulbasit F Shaikh.

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google-apps-script - 无法在 gmail 上使用的电子邮件的 schema.org 标记

我想在 Gmail 中测试Google 的标记集成,但不起作用。

我正在从我的地址到我的地址的入门页面发送带有此代码的 html 消息:

以下是来自 Gmail 的原始电子邮件:

它在 GMail 中的外观:



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python - 通过 Gmail API 发送电子邮件多部分/签名 (RFC 3156)

尝试按照 RFC3156 [0] 构建消息,并通过 Gmail API 发送(我使用的是 python 客户端实现)。

我得到的是:在我的 Gmail 邮箱中,邮件已正确发送(我看到的正是我之前构建的邮件)·


似乎,在某些时候,Gmail 改变了我的 Content-Type ......这是真的吗?

作为解决方法,我正在使用 SMTP 连接(它的行为与我期望的一样,可以正确发送消息),但将来我想避免这一步,转而使用纯 Gmail API 应用程序。


[0] - 这里是一个测试示例:



