I have created a manifest and a gadget file. I uploaded the manifest and made the gadget available on the web. I deployed the application and verified it was in my google apps domain. However when I go to Admin Console->Market Place Apps->My App Name. it shows that I need to grant access. When I click grant data access it opens a new pages and starts to load, but nothing but the header ever load.

I can see google retrieving the gadget file from my webserver, but the gadget doesn't seme to be working in gmail and I see no indication it has been loaded. I am using the ?nogadgetcache=1 flag.

I have tried using a couple of supposed working examples and always get the same results.


1 回答 1


原因很简单:2013 年 11 月,Google 更改了授予数据访问权限的方式,但developers.google.com页面保持不变。
://developers.google.com/apps-marketplace/preparing 我在另一个 stackoverflow 页面中看到了它...(GMail Contextual Gadget not working

于 2014-09-30T13:41:10.337 回答