问题标签 [google-play-console]
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android - 如果 beta apk 比官方 apk 旧,beta 用户将获得哪个 apk?
我为我的 Android 应用设置了 Google Play 测试版程序。想象以下场景:
- 我将 apk1 发布为 beta 版本
versionCode 1
- 测试版用户安装此测试版
- 我将 apk2 作为官方发布版本发布
versionCode 2
Google Play 会为 beta 用户提供 apk2 吗?
android - Android Instant App - Play Console release/deploy error and DAL(digital Asset Link) not linked
I'm trying to figure out why the play store will not accept my instant app build. I have successfully deployed an Alpha regular app release to testers since it is a prerequisite to release an instant app. I am trying to deploy a development release instant app. What am I doing wrong? I tried to add as much detail as possible.
Do I need to use the Digital Asset Link API service at the following link for a production instant app or is that for something else? https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/digitalassetlinks.googleapis.com/overview
I get the following error when uploading the instant app build to the play console:
Your site 'example.com' has not been linked through the Digital Assets Link protocol to your app. Please link your site through the Digital Assets Link protocol to your app.
One thing i'm a little confused about is why when I click link and verify that a get the error message "Adding asset statements failed." as shown in the following picture:
I notice that when I click the link and verify button, it modifies the strings.xml file in base and adds the following string:
<string name="asset_statements" translatable="false">[{\n \"relation\": [\"delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls\"],\n \"target\": {\n \"namespace\": \"web\",\n \"site\": \"https://example.com\",\n }\n}]</string>
I have the following in the manifest of base, checklist and advisor under the application tag: <meta-data android:name="asset_statements" android:resource="@string/asset_statements"/>
Project description and structure:
App description: This is a proof of concept app. The installable app will open the mainfeature activity with two buttons that will bring you to either the checklist or advisor activity when clicked. There are two instant apps, instantapp-checklist goes to the checklist activity and instantapp(advisor) goes to the advisor activity.
- There are 3 feature modules: mainfeature, checklist, advisor
- There are 2 instant apps: instantapp-checklist, instantapp(advisor)
- My installable app's bundle is is: blah.blah1.blah2.myappname
- My checklist instant app's bundle id is: blah.blah1.blah2.myappname.checklist
- My advisor instant app's bundle id is: blah.blah1.blah2.myappname.advisor
My assetlinks.json is:
In my checklist manifest inside the activity tag is the following:
Self checks I've done:
- The instant app was signed signed with my keystore, not with the debug key. I checked to make sure the instant app's and the assetlinks.json show the same sha256 fingerprint.
- The robots.txt allows assetlinks.json to be searched by all robots
- assetlinks.json does have a valid cert and allows https
- The content-type of assetlinks.json header is application/json
- I am not opt'd in for "Google Play App Signing"
- I used the following site to test my statement and it is successful: https://developers.google.com/digital-asset-links/tools/generator
android - 关于 Google Play 应用签名
当我登录到我的 Google Play 开发者控制台时,我看到:
我了解Google Play 应用签名的工作原理,通常它会代表您保留应用签名密钥,我需要使用另一个所谓的“上传”密钥来签署我的应用并提交给 Google Play 控制台以进行应用签名。
半年前我已经在没有使用 Google Play App Signing 的情况下发布了我的应用程序,现在,如果我选择加入 Google Play App Signing,它会影响我已经发布的应用程序吗?或者,如果我切换到 Google Play App Signing,我发布的应用程序是否顺利?
android - 您的免安装应用 APK 包含已被其他应用使用的域“xxx.com”
android - Google Play 控制台错误 - 无法升级到已安装的应用
我基于谷歌教程和示例开发了一个即时应用程序 apk。当我尝试开始部署到生产环境时,我看到一个错误:不可升级到已安装的应用程序
此 Instant App APK 的某些用户将没有资格使用您已安装应用中的任何 APK。
确保您的免安装应用 APK 的定位与您的 APK 的定位相匹配。
基础 - baseFeature,minSdk 18,targetSdk 26
项目详细信息功能 - minSdk 18,targetSdk 26
ui - 即时模块中不包含的功能,minSdk 18,targetSdk 26,模块包含所有视图
Instant - 即时应用程序模块 minSdk 18 或 23,targetSdk 26
apk - apk 模块,minSdk 18,targetSdk 26
第二种情况在 baseFeature 中有项目详细信息代码。
Instant 应用在 Android Studio 以及 Google Play 开发和预发布中运行。此外,当我尝试升级到已安装的应用程序时,一切正常。在我看来,定位是正确的,但 Google Play 管理中心的想法不同。
您知道有关如何推出即时应用程序的任何想法吗?请帮助:(我已经在这个版本上工作了 3 天,但我无法推出应用程序。
更新 10.09.2017 APK 详细信息:
android - Instant App - 不断出现错误:我们无法保存您的更改。请再试一次
根据提供的文档指南,我对现有代码进行了模块化。现在我能够构建已安装应用程序的签名 apk以及即时应用程序。我安装的应用程序毫无问题地上传到了 Playstore。但是在上传即时应用程序apk 时,它给了我以下错误。
仅供参考 - 我的应用程序有 3 个主要功能、基本功能和详细信息。
android - why app install count is showing less than app uninstall count in Google developer console
I published a free app in Google play store. From last 9 month around 20k user installed my application. From last few weeks in Developer console "Installs by user" count is showing less number than the count in "Uninstalls by user" section. I am not getting how this can happen . Is it because of some issue in Developer console or my understanding about those two terms are wrong?. Please help me to figure out this.
android - Google Play 支持上的乌尔都语支持
Google Play 管理中心是否支持乌尔都语?我想在 Google Play 控制台上为我的 android 应用程序添加乌尔都语支持,但没有找到语言支持?
android - 与 webview.apk 相关的信号 5 (SIGTRAP),代码 1 (TRAP_BRKPT)
我在 Play 管理中心收到了一些崩溃报告,标题如下:
重要的是(a)崩溃的次数非常少,所以我的代码必须基本上是健全的,并且(b)报告都来自Android 7.0设备。
android - Android Vitals - 卡住唤醒锁和前台服务
在开发人员控制台 - Android Vitals 中,我看到应用程序有“卡住部分唤醒锁”的警告。在文档中它被描述为
但这似乎不是真的。Android Vitals 是否忽略了该应用具有前台服务?有没有人有类似的经历?
编辑:这是来自我的 AudioService 的代码