问题标签 [google-assistant]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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actions-on-google - 发布后 Google 对话操作的价格

是否有任何成本 - 如果是这样,是什么 - 用于发布我建立的会话动作?

很明显,Firebase 和/或 Dialogflow 需要花费一些钱,但如果您实际上不使用这些服务中的任何一个怎么办?我只使用 Google Assistant 来捕获语音输入,然后调用 webhook(我托管服务器)并回复一条消息,GA 会大声朗读。在这种情况下,我会免费获得 STT 和 TTS(我怀疑)吗?



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actions-on-google - 我们可以在没有用户与谷歌家庭设备交互的情况下连续播放音乐吗

我们可以在 Google Home Mini 或 Google 上无限期地播放音乐吗?我正在做一个播放歌曲的动作。为了测试它,我把它放了一夜来播放音乐。但是当我早上醒来时,设备并没有播放音乐。如果所有歌曲都已播放,则有一个环回功能可以从头开始播放歌曲。




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actions-on-google - 从 Google Home 应用主页控制页面中移除 Actions on Google 项目

前段时间,我在 Actions on Google 上做了几个测试项目。后来我通过在 Actions on Google 和/或 GCP 上删除这些项目来删除它们。但是,这些项目仍然出现在 Google Home 应用中:

Google Home 应用的屏幕截图

我已经尝试重新链接它们(根据从 Google home 应用中删除 'Google Actions' 项目),但这似乎没有什么区别。该项目的端点可能不再存在,因此重新链接过程会失败而不会出现错误。


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python - 我正在尝试安装 Google 助理,但遇到一个错误,我无法在任何地方找到解决方案

我正在尝试安装 Google 助理,但遇到了这样的错误:请有人帮我解决这个问题 我按照此视频中的说明操作https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfVMXq6mEXk&t=623s

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dialogflow-es - Fallback intent with sys any

According to Google communication below, starting from 15th January if you have a fallback intent with web hook enabled to process user input it could be not working, because now the user input could be intercepted by Assistant for interleaving talking. For my application is important to process even the fallback. I could just use an intent with @sys.any but it would be hard because I have several intents. Are the intents with sys.any a priority lower than the others? What happens in this case? What's the best approach?

Dear Actions on Google Developer, We are reaching out to provide more details regarding the Google Assistant Actions fallback intent behavior change that we announced on October 15, including more details on the decision and recommended steps to take with your Actions development projects. In order to provide a better experience, we now allow users to ask for some Assistant features, such as the weather or time, from within your Action. To perform this function, the Assistant detects if your Action matched a user's query with a fallback intent or NO_MATCH intent. If that is the case, and an appropriate response is available, Assistant responds to the user's request. If no response is available, or Assistant doesn't understand the query, the conversation continues within your Action. As of October 15, 2020, this new behavior applies only if the fallback does not use a webhook. Starting January 15th 2021, we'll start enabling this feature for any Dialogflow fallback intent or Actions Builder NO_MATCH intent whether or not they use a webhook. This change should not impact the operation of your Actions, unless you are using fallbacks as a way to collect input from your users. Going forward, you should only use fallback intents or NO_MATCH intents as a way to reprompt the user in the context of your Action. If you want your Actions to attempt to capture data from a wider range of user responses, create an intent that uses a Free form text type if you use Actions Builder. If you use Dialogflow, add an intent with a @sys.any type as the training phrase. We realize that this guidance for the use of fallback intents goes against some of our prior recommendations. As we continue to improve our understanding of how users interact with the platform, our approach to conversational interfaces also needs to evolve. Thanks for your continued support of the Assistant developer platform, and for your understanding as we continue to improve the Google Assistant user experience. Sincerely, The Actions on Google Team

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java - 如何使用谷歌助手为我的应用测试 android 切片

将 AATT-App 动作测试工具用于 android 切片时。我在谷歌助手中获得了切片,但是当涉及到直接语音搜索或输入我的事件名称时,切片无法像在 AATT 中使用那样显示。请给我一些答案来解决这个问题。GA中的这种类型不需要对话流吗?

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google-cloud-functions - 无法在网络模拟器上测试谷歌助手操作(错误云功能部署失败。关闭)



所以我创建了非常基本的谷歌操作。它通过“嘿谷歌与奇异博士交谈”调用,然后再添加 1 个显示建议的过渡。我保存了它并尝试测试它。但不断出错。





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android - 应用程序操作不适用于内部测试版的谷歌助手

我使用 react-native 开发了一个应用程序,并向应用程序添加了应用程序操作。

我按照文档上的说明通过 App Action Test Tools (AATT) 测试了该应用程序,它运行良好(调用名称是“测试应用程序”)。

在创建动作预览后,我直接尝试使用谷歌语音助手(不仅仅是使用 AATT),它仍然运行良好。

现在,我在 google play 控制台中创建了一个名为“MyApp”的项目,并创建了一个内部测试版本,并添加了另一个用户作为测试人员,并为此版本上传了 aab 文件。



这一步对我来说不是很清楚,我需要做更多的事情来确保应用程序可以与语音助手一起使用,而无需通过 AATT 创建预览?

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actions-on-google - 如何在 New Actions Builder 中实施测验

How to Implement Trivia/Quiz - Google Assistant 的新 Actions Builder 控制台中的游戏。

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android - 谷歌应用操作审核流程的时间长度是多少?


它在这里说After you upload your app to the Play Console, we'll contact you at the email in Play Console with more information regarding the status of your App Actions review. https://developers.google.com/assistant/app/get-started