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For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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web-services - 如何以编程方式获取盘中回填的外汇数据?

我一直在寻找主要外汇对的实时盘中报价数据,回填到几天。我想以编程方式将它用于 Android 或 Web 应用程序,因此 CSV 或 XML 格式的 Web 服务将是理想的。

到目前为止,我通过谷歌搜索找到了一些网站,例如 finam.ru。但它是俄语的,我无法找到任何关于如何获取它的确切 URL 格式的明确记录来源。


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sql - 对 OHLC 存储过程的 T-SQL 记号

遵循查询标准,使用自定义时间跨度输入、开始日期和结束日期将分时数据转换为 OHLC 的最佳方法是什么?

存储过程应该有 3 个要传递的参数:

  • 一个时间跨度,
  • 开始日期,和
  • 结束日期。





  • 时间跨度:1分钟
  • 开始日期:2000-05-30 17:10:00.000
  • 结束日期:2000-05-30 17:13:36.000


  • 时间跨度:1分钟
  • 开始日期:2000-05-30 17:10:00.000
  • 结束日期:2000-05-30 17:13:36.000
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r - 获取 Symbols quantmod OHLC 货币数据

我正在尝试检索货币对的 OHLC 价格数据。正如您在下面看到的,我已经设法在规定的时间段内获得了收盘价。理想情况下,我也想要开盘价、最高价和最低价。从那里我的目标是分析数据以创建一个外汇交易系统。


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currency - 带有美元买卖汇率的汇率 API?

如您所知,美元的买入和卖出率是不同的。假设如果您以当地货币购买美元,您将花费 1000 当地货币,但当您出售 100 美元时,您将获得 900 当地货币。


我使用 yahoo Finance Exchange 汇率服务获取汇率,但给出了卖出汇率。您知道提供此功能的任何配置或任何其他 API 吗?我也可以考虑以适中的费用购买 API...

提前致谢 !!:)

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three.js - three.js 中的 3D 图表

我很想在 three.js 中创建一个 3D 图表。例如:在 3d http://tinyurl.com/m3q3d7w 源代码可以在这里找到:http: //pastebin.com/C5GZnxcV

证券交易所图表中的最小值是 0,0001,他们称之为“点”。

这些图表中的大多数都有 1 点和 4 点移动,但如果我想在 3D 窗口中显示这些值,我几乎看不到它们,它们太小了。这就是为什么我用 *5000 增加了所有大小,但它也不起作用。我怎样才能使它们更大,使值更明显?

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algorithmic-trading - 如何在 MQL4 中设置订单启动栏上方的几个点






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trading - MT4 and website integration

my boss has requested that I make a website which allows people to sign up for forex trading and I'm quite a novice in this area, although I'm an experienced developer.

He requested that I look at the MT4 software and I did that, but I don't really understand how a desktop application can allow me to write a website to let people sign up, make payments and trade when this would require a windows machine to connect to.

Is this the best way to do this or is it just that he has seen MT4, loves it and think it's perfect, however it's not the way to write this kind of website?

The CRM will be using vtiger if that helps. I'd appreciate any advice that you could give.

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excel - Proper use of AND and OR within IF statements

Wanting to return a simple YES or NO result in Excel based on data input. We have had troubles programming this, and just cannot seem to get an answer on how to properly write the IF statement within the cell.

In basic terms, here is our question (not in Excel format but spelled out)...

IF D11="Short" AND G11>0.00 then Yes, otherwise No OR IF d11="Long" AND G11<0.00 then Yes, otherwise No.

We cannot seem to get the syntax working properly. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this task?

UPDATE: The proper process seems to be to use... =IF(OR(AND(D11="Short",G11>0),AND(D11="Long",G11<0)), "YES", "NO")

This in fact solves the issue for those fields that are populated. However, is there a way that to still use this formula, but if d11 is blank to return a blank?

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excel - 链接工作表时使用 COUNTIFS 公式


我用来计算“赢家”的计算方法是=COUNTIFS(H11:H61,"YES",Q11:Q61,"Win"),而“损失”的计算方法是=COUNTIFS(H11:H61,"YES",Q11:Q61,"Loss")- 似乎运作良好。但是,此计算是在输入表上进行的。我想在一张完全不同的名为“结果”的表格上完成这个计算。但是,我的计算似乎无法正常工作。这是我放在结果表上的计算示例。 =COUNTIFS(Input!H11:H61,"YES",Q11:Q61,"Win"). 关于为什么这可能不起作用的任何建议,或者可能是这个问题的更好解决方案?

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excel - Trying to use countif with multiple criteria involving a time range and a set amount

Needing to automate results of alerts within certain time frames based on a 24 hour clock (00:00:00). I believe that a COUNTIF command may be a solution, but not really sure how to use or setup.

Here are my columns that I am trying to use... E11:E61 - represents my time. I am looking to pick out those values that fall within 02:00:00 - 06:59:59 from this column.

Then, after filtering that answer. I need to see which of cells in that time frame equal a win or a loss. My column for win or losses is Q11:Q61. That will be one separate field that I will calculate this in.

Then, in another field, I need to calculate a win amount based on whether a cell falls within the time frame and shows a win. My win amount column is U11:U61.

So, a little more complicated than my experience allows me to solve. So, I could whatever suggestions or recommendations for solving this.

This has been a great resource for me, and I appreciate everyone's input.