my boss has requested that I make a website which allows people to sign up for forex trading and I'm quite a novice in this area, although I'm an experienced developer.

He requested that I look at the MT4 software and I did that, but I don't really understand how a desktop application can allow me to write a website to let people sign up, make payments and trade when this would require a windows machine to connect to.

Is this the best way to do this or is it just that he has seen MT4, loves it and think it's perfect, however it's not the way to write this kind of website?

The CRM will be using vtiger if that helps. I'd appreciate any advice that you could give.


1 回答 1


答:MT4-Terminal 集成路径对任何实时进程到进程/网格计算(包括“网站集成”)开放。这不是问题。



在网络广播公司或社交群组图像或 CRM 下基于网络登录后,外汇交易比 PayP*l 存款的长号化要复杂得多。

如果只对技术集成感兴趣,请查看我在 StackOverflow 上发表的关于 MT4 / MQL4 分布式处理解决方案的帖子,例如this & this,不要犹豫,向我发送有关此主题的更多问题。

于 2015-05-06T00:09:00.547 回答