问题标签 [firebase-in-app-messaging]

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android - Firebase 应用内消息 PERMISSION_DENIED

我确实在 App 消息传递中设置了 firebase。已创建广告系列,但我的应用无法投放。在 logcat 我得到以下日志


安卓工作室 3.3.1



在 Google Cloud Console 中启用的应用程序消息 API 中的 Firebase


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android - Firebase 应用内消息在我们需要选项时发送消息?

我已经成功实现了 firebase 应用内消息传递,工作正常。是否有任何选项可以随时发送应用内消息?

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android - 如何自定义 Firebase 应用内消息?


firebase-in-app-message 我需要这个图像对话框填满整个屏幕。是否可以进行任何配置或定制来实现它?或者这个对话框有哪些可能的定制?


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android - 显示消息回调未调用 - Firebase 应用内消息

我正在尝试自定义 firebase 应用内消息。

我正在关注这篇文章:https ://firebase.google.com/docs/in-app-messaging/customize-messages

根据文章,我创建了自己的FirebaseInAppMessagingDisplay 类实现。

然后使用无头 Firebase In-App Messaging SDK 注册此实现


我的问题是,我没有收到 displyaMessage() 回调。

当我从 Application 类中注释掉这行代码时" FirebaseInAppMessaging.getInstance().setMessageDisplayComponent(new MyMessageDisplayImplementation());",它显示了默认消息。但是,当我把这段代码放回去时,什么都没有发生。


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android - 在 android studio 的应用程序消息中运行 firebase 时出错?



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android - firebase In-App Messaging throws NullPointerException on Android

There is some major bugs in the firebae in-app messaging.

I already wrote some bug reports to google, but as always google support is very reticent to acept their system is full of flaws...

I'm writing this information here because sometimes google likes to work better through stackoverflow and to awarn other users DON'T USE IN-APP MESSAGING IN A PRODUCTION APP

Firebase in app messaging is the new google tool to let you send pop-ups to your users while running your app...
The api was made to be codeless, all you need to do is import the api and configure the firebase dashboard (ZERO LINES OF CODING)

https://firebase.google.com/docs/in-app-messaging/get-started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MRKpvKV2pg

but after installing it, around 1% of my sessions started getting errors. EVEN NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION

how can i be doind something wrong in an api which i didn't wrote a single line of code with? (well firebase support still says i'm doing something wrong)

and also

for this last one crashlytics even say:

This crash is usually caused by your app trying to display a dialog using a previously-finished Activity as a context. For example, this can happen if an Activity triggers an AsyncTask that tries to display a dialog when it is finished, but the user navigates back from the Activity before the task is completed.

as far as i know there is absolutelly nothing i can do, since i've no way to catch this exceptions or somehow change the lib behavior. So if you willing to add this tool to your app, beaware it is still very unstable

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android - 添加 Firebase 应用内消息后的问题

我在我的项目中添加了 Firebase 应用内消息传递。使用 Gradle 文件同步项目是成功的,但是当我运行应用程序时,它会抛出错误:



我的 Gradle 文件是:

下面是我的项目 gradle 文件。

无法修复我的错误,我尝试更新我的 Gradle 和 api。

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firebase - 如何修复 iOS 版 Firebase 上的应用内消息延迟

我正在 iOS 应用上测试 Firebase 应用内消息传递。当我创建一个广告系列时,它看起来像是弹出窗口实际出现在应用程序中的延迟(大约一个小时到一个半小时)。我想知道是否有任何方法可以解决这个问题,或者这是否很常见。我无法找到当前可用的任何答案。

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firebase - Firebase-inappmessaging-display 的 Dagger 2.8 问题

我有一个使用 dagger 2.8 的项目,该项目与 firebase-messaging 和 firebase-core 库完美配合,但是当我尝试添加新的 firebase-inappmessaging-display 库时,当我尝试编译应用程序时,我有一个匕首错误:

原因:dagger.Provides 缺少元素类型




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android - How to trigger FireBase inappmessage at particular time when we are in app

I placed fire-base in app messaging in my app. While open the app i got in app message correctly when sent from console. now how to send in app message when user opened 3 times or any other condition he should get that in app message? please help.