问题标签 [difference]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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3626 浏览

distributed-computing - 分布式多播中的“接收”和“交付”有什么区别?


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22 回答
402963 浏览

java - JVM、JDK、JRE 和 OpenJDK 有什么区别?



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6 回答
25847 浏览

android - AsyncTask 和 Thread 之间的真正区别

我一直在阅读有关此问题的 Android 文档(AsyncTaskThread)和vogella 教程,但我仍有疑问。

例如,我想从 Android 应用程序向服务器发送消息。我希望这个过程能够响应。我应该使用什么?

我已经看到了他们创建一个新Thread的不阻塞 UI 的示例,但是这样我们就没有进程的进度,而且您必须在其中处理响应,Thread因为该run()方法不返回任何内容。

AsyncTask似乎比 更好的选择Thread,但我不知道使用 aAsyncTask而不是 a的后果是什么Thread

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35471 浏览

python - “导入 X”和“从 X 导入 *”之间的区别?

在 Python 中,我不太清楚以下两行代码之间的区别:


他们不都只是从模块 X 中导入所有内容吗?有什么不同?

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21353 浏览

html - HTML5图形与img的用途是什么

使用 HTML5 是否有任何特定的优势/<figure>用途<img>

我认为<figure>没有 是没用<figurecaption>的,不是吗?


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2 回答
13928 浏览

algorithm - 算法和编程模型有什么区别?


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95088 浏览

regex - 正则表达式的区别: (\w+)? 和 (\w*)



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62883 浏览

visual-studio-2010 - Ctrl K + D 和 Ctrl E + D 的区别

Ctrl EVisual Studio 2010 快捷键+DCtrl K+有什么区别D

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78 浏览

python - 计算 2 个字典中的所有差异并全部显示

假设我有 2 个字典:



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1637 浏览

string - Difference between two strings in VBScript

I need a way to find the difference between two strings in a Windows application using VBScript. One of the strings is known but the second one is completely unknown during coding. I know there are functions like StrCompare, InStr etc. but these require you to know the second string also during coding.


There is a text box in the screen and there are several buttons in the same screen. As and when the buttons are clicked, the text in the text box changes depending on the button clicked. Is there a way to find the changes made to the text after the button is clicked ? Basically I need to get the text entered due to the button click. Is there a simple way to do this or it requires complex coding ?

Thanks in Advance.