问题标签 [declared-property]

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objective-c - Why would I create a property of a superclass only to use the subclass

I'm following the Stanford online course Developing iOS 7 Apps for iPhone and iPad (link to course in itunes U).

The first assignment asks the students to create some classes(Card, PlayingCard, Deck, PlayingCardDeck) detailed in the notes and update a view controller to display a random card in a deck of playing cards.

Two of the required tasks include:

  1. Add a private property of type Deck * to the CardGameViewController.
  2. Use lazy instantiation to allocate and initialize this property (in the property’s getter) so that it starts off with a full deck of PlayingCards.

I've added the following to my code:

A hint indicates the following:

  1. Even though the type of the property you must add is required to be a Deck (not PlayingCardDeck) you’ll obviously have to lazily instantiate it using a PlayingCardDeck. This is perfectly legal in object-oriented programming because a PlayingCardDeck inherits from Deck and thus it “is a” Deck. If you are confused by this concept in object-oriented programming, this course may be rather difficult for you.

PlayingCardDeck is a subclass of Deck. I understand that it "is a" Deck.

What I don't understand is why a property of Deck is being used instead of PlyaingCardDeck.

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cocoa-touch - 为什么Apple使用assign而不是weak来存储委托?

一些 Cocoa 和 Cocoa Touch 类将它们的委托属性声明为assign而不是weak,这会强制类的用户nildealloc



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objective-c - 识别头文件与实现文件中的属性



由于 Objective-C 实际上并没有区分公共属性和私有属性,我不知道该怎么做。关于如何表明我只对头文件中的属性感兴趣以有效地模拟相同的事情有什么想法吗?

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objective-c - 在一两行中创建一个对象并设置一个属性




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objective-c - 初始化这些变量时使用 self.variable 和 _variable 的区别



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objective-c - 使用点表示法设置属性时出现错误“找不到属性 setVariableName”

我刚刚开始学习 Objective-C,但我不确定何时使用点表示法与方括号。我知道这里有人问过类似的问题,但我仍然没有真正理解其中的区别。我已经读过[myObject doSomething]并且myObject.doSomething是等效的。但我不确定的是,当我@property用来生成一个方法时,它会自动生成一个我只能与方括号一起使用的 setter 方法。

为什么我在写作时会收到错误消息object.setNumber = 4,为什么我只能使用方括号?

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objective-c - 直接在-init中设置属性的ivar时是否保留对象?


我想知道这个_name变量。在这两个init示例中,是否_name保留?对于此示例,我使用的是 ARC。

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ios - 属性不会在 iOS 7 中初始化

我正在为 iOS 7 开发,但我仍然必须手动编写 getter,否则我的属性不会被初始化。我尝试手动合成这些属性,即使不再需要这些属性,但这并没有做到。


motionTracker方法有一个公共 API,startsTrackingMotion所以我不知道为什么这不起作用。

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objective-c - 实现自定义访问器方法时是否会覆盖声明的属性属性?



编译器是否解释了copy关键字,以便这个 setter 函数等价于这个?


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objective-c - 在不使用访问器的情况下设置继承属性的默认值



现在假设我想扩展NSLawyer. 我的子类将被调用SeniorPartner。而且由于高级合伙人应该有很多客户,所以在SeniorPartner初始化时,我不希望实例以0; 我希望它有10。这是SeniorPartner.m:

那么,Objective-C 新手要做什么呢?好吧,我的意思是,我只能做一件事,那就是设置属性。除非我错过了什么。有什么想法、建议、提示或技巧吗?