问题标签 [declared-property]

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delegates - Xcode iPhone SDK (5.x) - 在 AppDelegate 中访问 NSString

我想NSStringAppDelegate.m位于内部ViewController.m的 .


NSString位于内部ViewController.m,并且未在 中声明AppDelegate.m




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objective-c - Is there a pattern to override a property?

The Objective-C runtime keeps a list of declared properties as meta-data with a Class object. The meta-data includes property name, type, and attributes. The runtime library also provides a couple of functions to retrieve these information. It means a declared property is more than a pair of accessor methods (getter/setter). My first question is: Why we (or the runtime) need the meta-data?

As is well known, a declared property cannot be overridden in subclasses (except readwrite vs. readonly). But I have a scenario that guarantees that needs:

Of course, the compiler won't let the above code pass through. My solution is to substitute the declared property with a pair of accessor methods (with the readonly case, just the getter):

Property string needs to be mutable because it is modified incrementally and potentially frequently. I know the constraint that methods with the same selector should share the same return and parameter types. But I think the above solution is appropriate both semantically and technically. For the semantic aspect, a mutable object is a immutable object. For the technical aspect, the compiler encodes all objects as id's. My second question is: Does the above solution make sense? Or it's just odd?

I can also take a hybrid approach, as follows:

However, when I access the property using the dot syntax like myMutableObject.string, the compiler warns that the return type of the accessor method does not match the type of the declared property. It's OK to use the message form as [myMutableObject string]. That suggests another aspect where a declared property is more than a pair of accessor methods, that is, more static type checking, although it is undesirable here. My third question is: Is it common to use getter/setter pair instead of declared property when it is intended to be overridden in subclasses?

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objective-c - ARC 下的 NSString 属性应该是强的还是复制的?

不使用 ARC 编译时,建议使用copy数据类型的属性,例如NSString. 我找不到关于copy在 ARC 模式下使用的正确文档。有人能告诉我什么适用于 ARC 吗?

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objective-c - 通过弱指针在块中分配 ivar




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objective-c - 何时对属性使用强或弱

我有一个表格视图IBOutlet,默认情况下 XCode 将其属性设置为strong而不是weak. 有时我会收到“收到内存警告”消息。所以我尝试将许多属性从strongto更改weak,但它似乎并没有影响过程并且事情运行顺利。我应该将出口设置为弱,还是我错了?


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objective-c - 如何在保留合成代码的同时将一些代码添加到合成的 getter/setter

例如,我需要在NSLog(@"Executed.")每次调用合成的 getter 或 setter 时执行。我看到了两种方法:

  1. 找到一些可能像合成的片段一样工作的片段。该线程可能对此有所帮助。
  2. 使用 KVO:添加一些可以完成工作的观察者。



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objective-c - Apple LLVM 4.0 新的“默认合成”功能如何运作?

我正在浏览 Xcode 4.4 的发行说明并注意到这一点:

LLVM 4.0 编译器

Xcode 现在包括 Apple LLVM Compiler 4.0 版,包括以下新的Objective-C 语言功能:

  • 默认@synthesize:未实现时自动合成一个@property


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objective-c - 尝试使用复制的 NSMutableString 属性会导致异常

我开始了一个小型 Xcode 项目来调查一个NSMutableString属性是否应该是copyretain. 我用属性声明了我的copy属性:

然后将其初始化为self.stringA = [NSMutableString new];

最后尝试设置一个字符串[stringA setString:@"A"];


“由于未捕获的异常'NSInvalidArgumentException'而终止应用程序,原因:'尝试使用 setString 改变不可变对象:'”

是因为结果字符串是 aNSString吗?这是否意味着我应该NSMutableString使用retain属性和NSString属性声明我的属性copy

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objective-c - 关于ivars范围的快速查询

@synthesized 实例变量的可见性是什么?

这些 ivars的作用域(@private@protected等)是什么?


- 声明于.h

- 声明于.m

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objective-c - 为什么 setter 被调用一个属性而不是另一个?

我从 Big Nerd Ranch iOS Programming 一书中获取了这段代码。在代码中,他们分配了两个实例变量,coordinate并且title. 为什么coordinate直接赋值,title调用setter来设置?

