问题标签 [dashcode]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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iphone - iPhone web applications, templates, frameworks?

Does anyone have any good starting points for me when looking at making web pages/sites/applications specifically for viewing on the iPhone?

I've looked at templates like the one Joe Hewitt has made, and also seen some templates I can purchase, which I haven't done yet.

I figured someone else had already started on this track and decided that I could probably leech on their newfound knowledge :)

So, does anyone have any pointers? I'm well aware of the problem that the more such a template/framework makes a web app look like a native iPhone app, the more likely I'm going to get into trouble because it just isn't, but for now I want a framework I can start building on, and then in the process figure out how to make it distinctive enough to be perceived as a web app as well as looking like a native iPhone application.

Specifically I'm looking for features like:

  • stylesheets set up, or pointers to how to do them for iPhone
  • page flipping animation, ie. pick an item in a list, list scrolls out of view to the left and information for item scrolls in from the right
  • the animation part would have to work with dynamic pages, ie. not just one big page that has divs set up for each sub-item, which at least one such framework had as a sort of quick fix, I would need to have list item picking load the page for that item, and then when loaded, scroll to it

Edit: To avoid people reading only the question and answering, before reading my other reply, I'll add my clarification for GPL licensing and similar issues here.

The framework I need to use can not be distributed under a license which would require me to license my own project out under a similar license. The GPL family of licenses allows for exceptions regarding library usage, but this won't apply to this since by necessity, the kind of framework I would need to use would be all source code.

The project can easily accomodate commercial libraries.

Also, I don't need a library or a framework as such, example files that look good and aren't overly obfuscated would be welcome as well.

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asp.net - iPhone网站优化帮助

我们正在尝试为我们的一个 asp.net Web 应用程序制作移动版本,但是我们希望使 iPhone 成为特定的。


  • UI 指南,任何特定于 iPhone 的 .net 控件库。
  • 安全准则 - iPhone 浏览器(移动 safari)具有的任何特殊功能。
  • 可用性指南 - 导航提示、按钮大小等。

任何其他可以帮助我们组合一个看起来是 iPhone 原生的应用程序的东西。

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javascript - JavaScript 中的 HTTP GET 请求?

我需要在 JavaScript中执行HTTP GET请求。最好的方法是什么?

我需要在 Mac OS X dashcode 小部件中执行此操作。

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javascript - ready-to-use xmlRequest snippet returns status code 0 on a call

I'm creating a very basic dashcode widget. I'm using customized snippets from Apple: xmlRequest setup and xmlLoaded. Below is my code

I want to keep it all in one single function to keep it simple. I could ofcourse separate the xmlLoaded function and the sendURL function but for me this is clearer.

the code I get back in the error console:

xmlLoaded (inside the loadedXML function first line)

Error fetching data: HTTP status 0 (the error message from the loadedXML function)

onload executed (the line beneath httpFeedRequest.onload = loadedXML();)

sent (the last line of the function)

Thes esnippets come with dashcode itself, so I guess the problem is with my url. This is a feed:// page instead of a html or xml page. But as feeds are xml too, I though I could just use the xmlRequest. Also, calling the same page with http:// instead of feed:// returns the same.

httpFeedRequest.responseText returns "" (empty string)

httpFeedRequest.responseXML returns null

any help will be more than appreciated!

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javascript - 多个仪表板小部件实例无法在小部件更新后继续存在。有什么办法可以防止这种情况?

我编写了一个 Mac OS X 仪表板来展示你自己和其他人的 StackOverflow 天赋。

我的问题是,每当我将该小部件更新到新版本时,所有以前的实例都会被删除,并在仪表板上创建一个新实例。因此,如果您之前跟随 4 个人的风格,您将不得不重新创建小部件并再次输入他们的用户 ID。:(




我已经更改了 remove() 中的代码,以首选项设置为正确的值,而不是如下建议的null - 但这也无济于事。




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javascript - Dashboard Widget 首选项实际保存在哪里?


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javascript - 是否可以从仪表板小部件中创建新的小部件实例?



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macos - 没有 Dashcode 项目包的 Dashcode 项目

Dashcode 将源文件保存在“.dcproj”项目文件中,该文件实际上是 OS X 的一个包,而 OS X 实际上只不过是一个目录结构。我想继续使用 Dashcode,但没有“.dcproj”结构的“便利性”。为什么?我想要...

  1. 将源代码签入 Mercurial
  2. 在开发代码的非 GUI 部分时使用 TextMate
  3. 最终构建和部署公共核心代码的特定于平台的定制(即,让多个项目共享一些公共源

我可以将 Dashcode 项目部署到一个目录中,然后执行上述所有操作。但是一旦我这样做了,我可能无法返回 Dashcode,这对于视觉内容来说非常方便。一个更灵活的解决方案可以让我告诉 Dashcode 代码在哪里并在那里读/写,而不是在“.dcproj”包中。

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iphone - 我可以使用 Dashcode 开发可以在应用商店出售的应用程序吗?

我可以使用 Dashcode 开发可以在应用商店出售的应用程序吗?

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iphone - iPhone 3.0 SDK 免费提供?

在美国,iPhone 3.0 SDK 是否像 iPhone 2.x SDK 一样免费提供?我有一个我用 Dashcode 编写的应用程序,我想更新它以查看它是否解决了任何错误。