问题标签 [cydia]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
iphone - iPhone:验证文件ExistsAtPath
它似乎有效,但我想知道苹果是否会验证它。是否有人在 appStore 中有使用此功能的应用程序?
iphone - 从 appcelerator 向 cydia 发布应用程序?
我正在尝试找到一种将应用程序发布到 cydia 的方法,而不是从钛 appcelerator 的应用程序商店,以便我可以在注册开发人员计划之前测试该应用程序。是否有任何明确的步骤来构建应用并将其发布到 cydia 和应用商店?
iphone - 如何为 Cydia 和越狱的 iPhone 开发应用程序
我开始为 iPhone 开发应用程序。我想开发 1 个特定的应用程序,但 Apple 肯定会拒绝它,所以我想为 Cydia 开发它,因为我认为它很有用。
我试图弄清楚如何使用 Theos 和 XCode 来创建我的应用程序,但我什么都不懂。如果你们中的一些人能在这方面帮助我,我将非常高兴。
我已经安装了 Theos,以及来自 Conor Burgess 的 header-dump 脚本,但我只是不知道如何开始做任何事情。我应该如何将 XCode 和 Interface Builder 与 Theos 一起使用来创建我的应用程序?我有一个 mac,所以我不需要任何工具链来在 Windows 上开发。我的 iPhone 也越狱了,我可以在 iPhone 上试用我在 XCode 上开发的一些应用程序。
我应该遵循哪些步骤?我的意思是,如果你们中的一些人习惯于为 cydia 开发应用程序,你会怎么做?您使用 Theos 创建一个新模板,然后在 XCode 中打开您的 .mm 文件并创建 .xib 文件?然后当你完成后,你用 XCode 编译它?我应该使用ldid吗?有没有针对 n00bs 开发人员的指南?
我已经看过 Theos 创建的模板,我认为我需要应用程序,因为我需要一些用户界面,但也许我也需要调整......关于它的信息不多,我只是迷路了......
objective-c - 在 iOS 中获取 wifi 名称
我正在为 Cydia 开发一个应用程序。有没有办法获取实际连接的 wifi 网络的名称?
Apple SDK似乎有办法,有什么想法吗?
当我单击连接到操作的按钮时,不会向 plist 文件添加任何内容
iphone - iphone: how to build an IPA file from self-made app?
I programmed a small app for iOS, and I used Mac OS X 10.6.6, Xcode 3.2.5 and iOS SDK 4.2, all running in a Virtual Box machine 4.0.
now I want the app to run on my iphone and to distribute it to some beta testers. because I'm not a registered apple developer and I don't want to pay $99 to apple, I need to find some other way.
the first thing I found on the net is the tutorial of alex whittemore: alexwhittemore.com
I followed the instructions by creating a self sign root certificate,binary patching the Xcode program and adding some scripts to the build process. afterwards, I switched to from "debug" to "release" mode and from "simulator" to "device". the build-process ends with a warning-message:
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011)
but I still have a appname.app folder in the Release-iphoneos-folder, which I can transfer via ssh or scp in the /Applications/-folder of my jailbroken iphone. afterwards I call "uicache" on the iphone and the app is shown in springboard. I can also start the app and everything works fine.
now is the problem, that I want an IPA file of my app. as I read on the net, an IPA file is nothing more than the appname.app folder in a folder called "Payload", zipped together with two files called iTunesArtwork and iTunesMetadata.plist. I created the iTunesArtworks file out of an 512x512 jpeg image and the plist file from some preset I found on the net. afterwards, the appname.zip file has to be renamed to appname.ipa. I did this process manually and transfered the IPA file via scp to the download-folder of my installous-app on my iphone. then I started installous and tried to install my app - there comes the error message:
installation failed: invalid ipa
I did a search on the net for this error message and found something about updating my Appsync and Installous-installation. I updated both programs from the hackulo.us-repository, but this didn't help.
so I thought, that I did something wrong during the IPA-creation-process. I did some research and found out, that it is possible to drag and drop the appname.app-folder to itunes, which automatically makes an IPA file of it. then you can find the IPA file in some folder of iTunes. I copied this file to the download folder of installous on my iphone and tried to install this file again, but the same error message is shown.
my question: how can I make a valid IPA file for installous, if I have a self-signed app? does installous check the signature?
maybe someone has a hint for me...
I found a solution for my problem.
because I wanted more information on the installous-error-message, I installed "syslog toggle" and "syslogd to /var/log/syslog" via cydia on my iphone to log detailed information to /var/log/syslog. then I tried to install the IPA file again and I got a message in the syslog from the installd daemon, that the IPA file has a minimum-iOS-version requirement of 4.2, while my iphone is running under iOS 4.0.
*installd[163]: 00503000 verify_bundle_metadata: The system version is lower than the minimum OS version*
interessingly there was no problem to install the app as system application by copying the appname.app-folder via ssh to /Applications/, but with the wrong minimum-iOS-version-parameter build in. so I rebuild my app with the right minimum-iOS-version for my iphone.
I tried to install again, but again I got an error message about an invalid IPA. this time the installd daemon tells me in the syslog of my iphone, that it couldn't install an system application:
*installd[193]: 00503000 preflight_application_install: Can't install System or Internal apps*
this problem was easy to solve, because I still had the app installed as system application in /Applications/. I just needed to delete the /Applications/appname.app folder and call "uicache" twice with the user "mobile" via ssh. then I startet installous again and tried to install my IPA file - et voila: IT WORKED!!
maybe I was able to help someone with a similar problem. it seems to be a good idea to install the syslog-apps via cydia to have a closer look for the error messages of installous, if some generic error message like "invalid ipa" appears.
ps: I was really irritated, that my question was closed by the moderator! just because someone thinks, that my question is "not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet." it's soooo stupid to close questions! now you see: I got a solution and I posted it here.. maybe it will help someone in the future! you shouldn't make the same fault as wikipedia by over-controlling the user content.
iphone - 无法使用 Theos 使 deb 文件工作。手动复制 dylib - 有效
我有一个非常奇怪的问题。我已经为 iPhone 开发了我的第一个调整(用于 Cydia 发行版)。我已经完成了调整的开发,一切正常,但我无法将其打包到 deb 文件中。键入 make 并手动将 dylib 复制到 Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries 并将首选项文件复制到 Library/PreferenceLoader/Preferences - 一切正常,但是当我键入 make package 时,我的调整根本不起作用。文件被复制到正确的文件夹中,我可以在 Settings.app 中看到设置,但是 dylib 不会运行,我什至在控制台中都看不到我的 NSLog。我尝试使用 dpkg -b,甚至http://www.myrepospace.com/iDeb/但无济于事。我能做些什么?谢谢!
javascript - 如果安装了 Cydia,有没有办法显示文本?
我正在制作一个移动网站,我想知道如果安装了 Cydia,是否有可能在页面上写文字?最好在Javascript中。我猜这将是一个变量和一个 if/else 语句。
objective-c - 开发 Mobile Substrate 调整
例如,如果我想更改 Messages 应用程序中的某些内容,我如何对其进行编程以连接到 Messages.app?
iphone - 应用程序应在按下主页按钮以将手机拉出睡眠模式后自行启动
我们为越狱的 iPhone 构建了 Cydia 应用程序。现在我的客户希望应用程序在用户点击主页按钮以将手机退出睡眠模式后自行启动。我怎样才能做到这一点?
objective-c - [CYDIA]为应用添加视图
我需要在调整中显示一个子视图,我已经创建了视图,但它只适用于 Springboard。我无法在其他应用程序上添加此视图。我使用这段代码: