问题标签 [cumulative-frequency]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
javascript - d3 直方图在同一图表/图表中具有累积频率/分布线?
d3 很酷,我是新手。直方图有几个例子,我选择了这个。我对累积折线图、累积分布和累积频率进行了简短的搜索,所有这些都与 d3 相关,但没有找到像我要找的东西,但我找到的最接近的是这个,并且根据更好的解决方案,我会尝试去追求,看看我是否可以根据我的需要定制它。不过,理想情况下,我正在寻找类似于Excel 提供的东西就直方图而言,累积频率/分布线叠加在顶部(其轴/标签是右侧的 y 轴)。d3 是否有这样的等效功能(理想情况下可作为示例/演示使用)?这样我就有 1 个图表而不是 2 个。
r - R中二进制向量中具有0个分隔符的1块的累积计数
我有一个带有二进制向量的数据框,我想对其进行累积计数。但是,我想计算“1 组”而不是每个单独的 1,并在保留 0 分隔值的同时创建该计数的新向量。IE
database - R: Counting the cumulative length of a factor in data.frame
I have this database:
And I want the cumulative number of match played by each player through time as a new column. I want to know, at any given time, how many matches each player have played. Like that:
It seemed easy to do, but I tried a coule of things with failed results every time. Thanks for your help!
r - 如何在 R 中创建累积图
R中是否有累积图包?或者我如何在 R 中创建累积图?例如,给定值 2、4、2、2,它们的值应在此处绘制为 2、6、8、10 d3 示例。然后像其他累积记录一样形成阶梯模式
python - 通过另一个数组中的值阈值快速计数 numpy 数组的元素
示例:对于 的每个元素valueLevels
np.array([sum(values>=x) for x in valueLevels])
慢得令人无法接受np.array([len(values[values>=x]) for x in valueLevels])
是一个改进- 排序
确实加快了理解速度(在示例中,从约 7 毫秒到 0.5 毫秒),但排序的成本(约 8 毫秒)超过了一次性使用的节省
- 如果列表理解是要走的路,可以加快速度吗?或者,
- 其他方法更快吗?(我有一种模糊的感觉,这可以通过在阈值数组上广播值数组来完成,但我不知道如何为
algorithm - How to implement a cumulative product table?
Given the following problem:
There is a sequence of k integers, named s for which there can be 2 operations,
1) Sum[i,j] - What is the value of s[i]+s[i+1]+...+s[j]?
2) Update[i,val] - Change the value of s[i] to val.
I am sure most people here have heard of using a cumulative frequency table/fenwick tree to optimize the complexity.
Now, if I don't want to query the sum but instead I want to perform the following:
Product[i,j] - What is the value of s[i] * s[i+1] * ... * s[j]?
The new problem seems trivial at first, at least for the first operation Product[i,j].
Assuming I am using a cummulative product table named f:
- At first thought, when we call Update[i,val], we should divide the cummulative products at f[z] for z from i -> j by the old value of s[i] then multiply by the new value.
But we will face 2 issues if the old value of s[i] is 0:
Division by 0. But this is easily tackled by checking if the old value of s[i] is 0.
The product of any real number with 0 is 0. This result will cause all other values from f[i] to f[j] to be 0. So we are unable to successfully perform Update[i,val]. This problem is not so trivial as it affects other values besides f[i].
Does anyone have any ideas how I could implement a cummulative product table that supports the 2 operations mentioned above?
r - R计数器,表中的计数频率
我想要一个额外的列,它计算 id 变量已经可用的年数:
数据集目前未按年份排序。我想到了 mutate 而不是函数。
python - 如何在pyspark数据框中找到没有分组的累积频率
我在 pyspark 数据框中有一个计数列:
我不能使用 pandas 数据框,因为数据库非常大。我找到了指向窗口分区的答案,但我没有这样的列来分区。请任何人都可以告诉如何在 pyspark 数据框中执行此操作。注意:pyspark 1.6 版