问题标签 [cost-management]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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python - Python:使用理解与独立功能形成列表的成本

在 python 中,使用理解或独立函数制作列表的成本更高?

看来我没能找到以前问过同样问题的帖子。虽然其他答案详细介绍了 python 的字节和内部工作原理,这确实很有帮助,但我觉得视觉图表有助于表明存在持续的趋势。

我对 python 的低级工作原理还没有足够好的理解,所以这些答案对我来说有点陌生。

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google-bigquery - 为什么 BigQuery 中的加载操作不收费?

当我使用 google API (golang) 将数据加载到 BigQuery 中时,我可以检查流式插入的成本(如流式插入 ~ 5.54 美元)。

然后我尝试使用 Embulk(csv 文件,由 gzip 压缩)将数据加载到 BigQuery,但我无法检查加载数据的成本。


  • 流数据 (json) = 30GB
  • gz 数据大小 = 8~15GB
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mysql - 整个时间按类别划分的 MySQL 成本



将 Month 属性下的记录用作列标题并在其对应的 Month 列下分配 Cost 记录的最佳方法是什么?

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percentage - 我从 0 到 20 的增量百分比是多少?

假设我有一支笔,最初的价格是 0 美元,现在是 20 美元。


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amazon-web-services - AWS 上 Cloud Foundry 的成本

我已经看到了在 AWS 上安装 Bosh Lite 的说明。这与将其安装在本地 VM 上的过程类似。然后我可以利用 Bosh 将 OSS Cloud Foundry 部署到 bosh-lite VM。以下是这些说明:


我的问题是如何估算这将花费多少?我想在我公司的信用卡上收取此费用,但我需要先估算费用。我知道我可以免费获得一个普通的 EC2 实例一年(我假设我使用它的数量有一些限制),但从上面的说明来看,我认为我需要几个以及其他实例。

所以,如果我只是设置 Cloud Foundry,使用 Spring 编写一个简单的“Hello World”Web 应用程序,部署我的应用程序并对其进行测试,然后将所有内容都拆掉,我该如何估算成本?

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google-app-engine - 将 automatic_scaling max_idle_instances 设置为零 (0) 有什么作用?

将 automatic_scaling max_idle_instances 设置为零 (0) 有什么作用?


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amazon-web-services - AWS Glue pricing against AWS EMR

I am doing some pricing comparison between AWS Glue against AWS EMR so as to chose between EMR & Glue.

I have considered 6 DPUs (4 vCPUs + 16 GB Memory) with ETL Job running for 10 minutes for 30 days. Expected crawler requests is assumed to be 1 million above free tier and is calculated at $1 for the 1 million additional requests.

On EMR I have considered m3.xlarge for both EC2 & EMR (pricing at $0.266 & $0.070 respectively) with 6 nodes, running for 10 minutes for 30 days.

On calculating for a month, I see that AWS Glue works out to be around $14.64, whereas for EMR it works out to be around $10.08. I have not taken into account other additional expenses such as S3, RDS, Redshift, etc. & DEV Endpoint which is optional, since my objective is to compare ETL job price benefits

Looks like EMR is cheaper when compared to AWS Glue. Is the EMR pricing correct, can someone please suggest if anything missing? I have tried the AWS price calculator for EMR, but confused, and not clear if normalized hours are billed into it.



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wordpress - 如何在不停机的情况下将大量内容传输到新的 WordPress 主题?

我正在从事非营利性网站和社交媒体的工作。他们目前正在使用基于 WordPress 构建的过时网站,我们正在以有限的预算对其进行改进。我建议我们使用更新的 WordPress 主题,因为这样可以尽可能降低成本。

剩下的问题是获取大量内容(主要是文本)并将其转移到新的 WordPress 主题中是否容易/成本效益(在劳动力方面)?这是否意味着在我们实施现有内容时网站会长时间关闭?或者我们是否能够备份内容、应用新主题并从备份中上传内容?这是一个简单的过程还是一个扩展的过程?我估计有大约 150-200 页的内容。以每小时 30 美元的人工费率计算,这最终会让我们付出多少代价?

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amazon-web-services - 如何在 AWS Cost Explorer 中发送每月保存的报告

我在 AWS 成本管理器中保存了一些报告,是否可以每月通过电子邮件自动发送?

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amazon-web-services - What is maximum size of S3 object in case of Cost and Usage report in AWS?

The size of an individual report can grow to more than a gigabyte and might exceed the capacity of desktop spreadsheet applications to display every line. If a report is larger than most applications can handle, AWS splits the report into multiple files that are stored in the same folder in the Amazon S3 bucket.

The following statement is found in AWS docs for Cost and Usage reports

I tried to search on the maximum size , possible for this object but I was not able to spot it. Is there a possible reference for this?