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apache-spark - spark收集特定分区的列统计信息

如何告诉 spark 只收集特定分区的列统计信息?


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python-3.x - 寻找最优路径

initial_state(形式为 list[row,col,orientation])到给定目标(形式为 list[row,col])的汽车的最佳路径。


它可以执行 3 个动作,分别是:

由 0 和 1 组成的2D 列表(称为grid)作为输入(2D 非循环世界)。
0 --- 可导航单元格
1 --- 不可导航单元格



我在不可导航的单元格处创建了一个具有任意高值 999(高于所涉及的最大成本)的 2D 列表值。

接下来我创建一个空列表(称为 Routes),它将存储不同的路由。每条路线将采用以下形式 - [成本、路线中的单元格列表、汽车的最终方向]。在进入 while-Loop 之前,Route 被初始化为初始状态(因为它将成为任何 Route 的一部分)。

一个 for 循环检查有效邻居(邻居的有效性 - 应该在网格中,应该是可导航的)。

在 thisRoute 中创建 presentRoute 的副本。
*最后将此新路由附加到 Routes。
(对于每个有效的邻居,一个新的路由被附加到 Routes 中)

Routes[0] 现已删除。在对路线进行排序时,列表中的第一条路线将是成本最低的路线。变量 'r' 和 'c' 用 min-cost Route 的最后一个单元格更新。

一旦 [r,c] 等于目标,我们就找到了成本最低的路线。


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sql - 为什么相同类型的查询的查询成本如此不同?

这是我在 SQL Server 2008 中的 SQL 查询。




(1)第一个查询Case和两个When条件只占查询成本的 4%


(3)第三次查询Case和一个When条件也占总查询成本的 48%


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tensorflow - 如何打印成本函数?




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apache-spark - Spark CBO 未显示查询中具有分区列的查询的行数

我正在使用基于成本的优化器(CBO)的 Spark 2.3.0 来计算在外部表上完成的查询的统计信息。

我在 spark 中创建了一个外部表:



它只给我 size 而不是 rowCount :


Spark-version : 2.3.0 表中的文件为 parquet 格式。

更新 我能够获取 csv 文件的统计信息。无法为镶木地板文件获得相同的结果。

parquet 和 csv 的执行计划之间的区别在于格式,在 csv 中HiveTableRelation,parquet 的Relation.


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apache-spark - Spark SQL 以不同方式读取 parquet 表和 csv 表

我在 spark-sql 中创建了两个外部表。一种文件格式为parquet,另一种文件格式为textfile.

当我们在这两个表上提取查询计划时,spark 会以不同的方式处理这两个表。

parquet 表上查询计划的输出为:

对 csv 表的查询计划的输出是:


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oracle - Oracle 中的估算器

在 Oracle 的文档中,对于优化器中的估计器,有这样的架构: https ://docs.oracle.com/database/121/TGSQL/img/GUID-22630970-B584-41C9-B104-200CEA2F4707-default.gif




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python - Python中具有数量约束的分配最低成本


  • 我有 350 000 个大小为 S_i 的包裹,每个包裹只能有一个状态,并且对于每个包裹我都有一组概率
  • 对于每个州,我都有数量要达到

我找到了 Vogel 近似方法,但是有 350 000 行(包裹)和 15 列(可能的状态),计算时间应该太长。


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arrays - 在给定成本下最大化数组子集的总和

我有一个 n 个对象的数组,其中一个 int 'value' 和另一个 int 'cost'。我想获得该数组的大小为 k (k < n) 的子集,它使值的总和最大化。例如...

价值 - 成本

32 - 24

25 - 17

39 - 40

10 - 10

47 - 44

0 - 10

18 - 10

例如,我需要选择 5 个在保持低于某个总成本(例如 100 个)的同时实现价值最大化的产品。我不会因为成本最低而获得奖励积分,只是因为价值最高。我不希望获得最大的收益,我希望获得最大的收益,同时保持低于给定的成本。


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r - How do I tune a posterior probability threshold value for a binary classifier using more than one performance measure with the mlr package in R?

The following link provided me with a greater understanding of incorporating ordinary cost in my binary classification model: https://mlr.mlr-org.com/articles/tutorial/cost_sensitive_classif.html

With a standard classifier, the default threshold is usually 0.5, and the aim is to minimize the total number of misclassification errors as much as possible (obtain the maximum accuracy). However, all misclassification errors are treated equally. This is not typically the case in a real-world setting since the cost of a false negative may be much greater than that of a false negative.

Using empirical thresholding, I was able to obtain the optimal threshold value for classifying the instance into good or bad while minimizing the average cost. On the other hand, this comes at the price of reducing the accuracy and other performance measures. This is illustrated in the following figure:

In the figure above, the red line denotes the standard threshold of 0.5 which maximizes accuracy but gives a sub-optimal average credit cost. The blue line denotes the desired threshold that minimizes the cost, but now the accuracy is drastically reduced.

Generally, I would not be concerned about the reduced accuracy. Suppose however there is also an incentive to not only minimize the cost but also to maximize the precision as well. Note that the precision is the positive predictive value or ppv = TP/(TP+FP)). Then the green line might be a good trade-off that gives a relatively low cost and a relatively high ppv. Here, I plotted the green line as the average of the red and blue lines (both credit cost and ppv functions seem to have about the same gradient between these regions so calculating the optimal threshold this way probably provides a good estimate), but is there a way to calculate this threshold exactly?

My thoughts are to create a new performance measure as a function of both the costs and the ppv, and then minimize this performance measure. Example: measure = credit.costs*(-ppv)

But I'm not sure how to code this in R. Any advice on what should be done would be greatly appreciated.

My R code is as follows:

Finally, I'm also a bit confused that about my ppv value. When I observe my confusion matrix, I am calculating my ppv as 442/(442+289) = 0.6046512 but the reported value is slightly different (0.6053531). Is there something wrong with my calculation?