问题标签 [coordinate-systems]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
performance - 检查K个矩形中是否有N个(x,y)坐标的有效方法
有没有一种有效的方法来查看 N 个 (x,y) 点是否在 K 个矩形内?现在我正在做一个蛮力方法并遍历所有点和矩形,但它需要大约 2 分 30 秒,有 200,000 个点和 44 个矩形。
4.矩形取决于我想在路线外搜索的区域。通常,它们将高 2 英里(从点的每个方向 1 英里)和从点 1 到点 2 的距离宽。
iphone - MKMapview 坐标 UTM32
我从 JSON 提要中获取坐标,我在 UTM32 中获取它们。有谁知道我如何将这些转换为纬度和经度,以便我可以在我的地图视图中显示它们?
objective-c - UIView coordinate systems - offsetting and translating
I'm pretty sure this is more a of a math question, but I'll phrase it in the context of UIView and iPad-related objective C
I am importing raw data from a mapping file I have created from some public domain material downloaded elsewhere, then split out to isolate various regions within the map. Each region has a number of sub-regions, much like, for example, the continental US and then the various states which appear within the US, and then each sub-region is broken down again, into, let's say, counties.
Each state, and each county has a bounding box which tells me the origin, the width, and height each is.
In my initial setup, I created a separate view for each state, and then another view for each county. The polygon representing the area of the state/county was rendered (obviously with the county on top of the state so it would be visible) relative to a view I created through interface builder, called mainContainerView. This initial setup worked correctly.
Now I am trying to change things a bit, by adding the counties to the UIView holding the polygon for the state, so I will be able to overlay the state as a clipping mask on the counties. The problem is that no matter what I try, I cannot seem to get the county to translate to the right place within the state's view.
It seems like it should be straightforward addition or subtraction as the scaling for each item is exactly the same, and I'm not trying to do any major transformations, so I do not believe the CFAffineTransformation family is needed.
I can post code if necessary, but I'm not trying to get someone to write my program for me; I just want someone to point me in the right direction here, by giving me a suggestion on how to set the county relative to the state within the state's view.
As per a request, here's the relevant code that I am working on right now. This code does not work, but it gives you the idea as to what I'm doing. Posting sample data is a little more difficult, as it involves arrays of points and data extracted from a .SHP file designed to produce a map (and subdivisions). I'll include some comments in the code with some real point values as I step through the program to show you what's happening to them.
MASK_MAX_EASTING, MASK_MAX_NORTHING, MASK_MIN_EASTING, and MASK_MIN_NORTHING are constants which define the bounding box for the entire map of the country when made up of states.
DIST_MAX_EASTING, DIST_MAX_NORTHING, DIST_MIN_EASTING, and DIST_MIN_NORTHING are constants which define the bounding box for a map of the country when made up of the counties. The scales of the two maps are slightly different, so, by using the different bounding boxes, I've been able to scale the two maps to the same size.
I am aware that there are several issues with this code and some stuff outside the scope of this question may make a few of you raise an eyebrow (or two) but this is definitely a work in progress...
Here's the relevant code from DrawMap.m; I've cut a bunch of stuff out because it is extraneous.
This tome is really may be too much information, or it may not be enough. Either way, hopefully by adding code, I've given you some information to go on...
graphics - 如何从一种坐标系转换为另一种坐标系(图形)
如何将屏幕像素映射到它们各自的“图形”x、y 位置?坐标系已配置为从左下角 (0,0) 开始并增加到右上角。
我想知道我屏幕上的哪些像素上会有四边形。显然,随着 Z 减小,四边形将占据更多屏幕,而随着 Z 增加,它将占据更少,但这些究竟是如何计算的呢?
uiview - 如何像 GL 空间一样转换 UIView 的边界空间?
. 问题是坐标是在 UIView 的边界中指定的,左上角起源点空间。但是我的 GL 视口是在左下起源(Y 翻转)的像素空间中定义的。
我可以手动转换所有触摸坐标,但是,如果我可以在 UIView 的坐标系上设置自定义变换,这将自动解决。这可能吗?我最终想要做的是接收UITouch
ipad - 在 Ipad 上将屏幕坐标转换为对象坐标 OpenGL ES 2.0
我正在 OpenGLES 2.0 中制作 ipad 应用程序,并且我有一些对象应该能够通过触摸事件进行翻译。所以我需要与屏幕(X,Y,Z)坐标对应的(x,y,z)对象坐标。我能够在线获得此教程:
但问题是当我在 OpenGL ES 2.0 上工作时,我有自己的投影、模型和相机矩阵,我将它们传递给顶点着色器。首先我需要视口矩阵(我提到了使用 glViewPort() 内置函数的视口),我怎样才能得到它?
我能够获得 (x,y) 对象坐标,并且也可以根据光线的交点获得 z 坐标。但是,当我平移或旋转对象时,我的模型矩阵会发生变化,这会导致对象坐标发生变化,但我只知道用于绘制对象的初始坐标(因此我无法确定被射线击中的对象是否是正确的)。
c++ - 在 SFML 中镜像 Y 轴
嘿,所以我正在集成 box2d 和 SFML,而 box2D 具有与 SFML 相同的奇数镜像 Y 轴坐标系,这意味着一切都被颠倒了。是否有某种功能或少量代码可以简单地反映窗口的渲染内容?
我想我可以在 sf::view 中放一些东西来帮助解决这个问题......
为了渲染目的,我怎样才能轻松地轻松翻转 Y 轴,而不影响主体尺寸/位置?
opengl - 每片段光照坐标系
我正在使用着色器开发 OpenGL 2.1 应用程序,但我的每片段照明存在问题。当我的场景初始加载时照明是正确的,但是当我在场景中导航时,照明会随着“相机”移动,而不是停留在静态位置。例如,如果我将灯光放在右侧,物体的右侧就会被照亮。如果我然后将相机移动到对象的另一侧并指向相反的方向,照明仍然在对象的右侧(而不是像现在那样在左侧)。我假设我在错误的坐标系中计算照明,这导致了错误的行为。我正在计算以下方式的照明......
其中 vertexNormal 是对象/模型空间中的法线。
例如,其中 LightPosition 是 (100.0, 10.0, 0.0),这会将灯光放在世界的右侧,如上所述。我不确定的部分是 gl_NormalMatrix 部分。我不确定这个矩阵是什么以及它将我的法线放入什么坐标空间(我假设是世界空间)。如果将法线放入世界空间,那么我认为问题在于 ECPosition 在眼睛空间中,而 LightPosition 和 WCNormal 在世界空间中。关于这件事的某些事情似乎不对,但我无法弄清楚。我还尝试将 ECPosition 放入世界空间,将它乘以我自己的 modelMatrix,该模型矩阵仅包含我为将坐标放入世界空间所做的转换,但这不起作用。如果我需要提供有关我的着色器或代码的其他信息,请告诉我。
matlab - MATLAB 如何将 pol2cart 复数插值到笛卡尔网格上?
我的任务是从正弦图创建 2D 图像。我有以下内容:
但是现在我不知道如何将复数插入到我的笛卡尔网格上。谁能给我一个关于使用什么参数的函数的提示?我查看了 interp2,但我无法弄清楚 XY Z 使用什么。我也不知道 interp1 或 TriScatteredInterp 如何在这里工作。
c# - WPF获取特定坐标处的元素
我在画布中有标签,我需要获取与坐标 X、Y 相交的标签?