问题标签 [comma-operator]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c++ - 逻辑 OR 和逗号运算符是否等效?




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c++ - 全局服务注册和逗号运算符


然后在 .cpp 文件的某个地方,一些服务会自行注册:

为什么不简单地通过调用 libecap::RegisterService(new Adapter::Service) 进行注册?它看起来更奇怪,因为没有使用全局变量Registered

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c - 循环和 if-else 中的逗号与 && 运算符


现在,如果我将if语句替换为if(x = a/b && a % b). 然后它也有效。所以我想知道用&&运算符替换逗号,反之亦然if-else and loops

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c - 用逗号分隔的 for 循环内的语句从左到右求值

这两个代码一样吗?for 循环中的这些语句写在同一行中,用逗号分隔。他们会从左到右进行评估吗?

另外我想问一下我可以在for循环中使用尽可能多的语句,用逗号分隔。像 for(i=0, j=0, k=0; .......) 一样吗?

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c - 当 for 循环的条件部分中有多个以逗号分隔的表达式时会发生什么?


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c - How does for(i=0; i<5; x=(i++,a++)) work

I can't understand how this works and why it produces the following output.

this give as output:

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c++ - 是否应该对没有副作用的丢弃值表达式进行诊断?


表达式的(p1, p2, color)计算结果是它的最后一个操作数,但是编译器应该以某种方式保护我吗?(Visual Studio 什么也没说)

是的,你猜对了,我想调用一个绘图函数:Draw(p1, p2, color)

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c++ - 如何在switch case中使用多个值


我得到了输出The number is 20。我需要知道它是如何工作的,你能解释一下。谢谢。

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c - Why does this use of comma work in a expression but fail in a declaration?

Am from high level OOP languages C# and Java and recently started scratching my head in C. I feel C a bit weird as equally as one feels JS is. So want to clarify below:

Below gives error and that seems intuitive as it looks like incorrect syntax even in OOP languages

However below works surprisingly:

Why is this behavior? Is their any significance to keep such behavior or just some parsing technicalities?

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c++ - 为什么未计算的操作数内的包扩展会导致最后一个元素?



它失败了,因为内部出现了包扩展,decltype()但我认为包扩展会导致逗号分隔的参数列表。所以返回类型g(a, b, c)decltype(c)取决于逗号运算符的工作方式(它返回最后一个元素)。当您在函数参数列表、模板参数列表、初始化程序列表等内部展开时,它会起作用。但为什么不是这样呢?