问题标签 [coinbase-api]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
java - 如何运行简单的比特币程序?
我只是下载了一个 API.jar
。我创建了一个项目dynamic web project
。我成功地将该 API 添加到参考库中。
我需要在这里放点东西吗?我检查了三次:我的 API 密钥是正确的。
java - Can i use Coinbase API with dynamic web application without using Maven?
I'm new in Coinbase, but little confused. I get stuck every time with Coinbase API. Have a look at this API .. https://github.com/coinbase/coinbase-java
I want to make a project with this API using JSP. Where customer could play a role with Bitcoin. But If you see this API, it generally says to use Maven
. But i don't know Maven. I've good handling at jsp and servlet. Simply i just know to create a project as "dynamic web project" into Eclipse.
So, Is it possible to use Coinbase API with dynamic web project without using Maven anymore. Please help.
Help, would be appreciated!
java - com.coinbase.api.exception.UnauthorizedException
我正在使用 Coinbase API 制作一个 Web 应用程序。你可以从这里看到这个 API:https ://github.com/coinbase/coinbase-java
python - Authenticating with Coinbase's Exchange's API (HMAC) using requests in Python
I am implementing Coinbase's exchange API using custom auth in requests-python. The following code works with all the (authenticated) GET-based calls, but fails for all the authenticated POST-based calls (I haven't tried with DELETE or UPDATE verbs). I don't understand why the signature wouldn't work for both, because the payload is timestamp + method + path
for GETs and timestamp + method + path + body
for PUTs, so custom auth seems correct. Something is going wrong with adding the body and changing GET to POST. Thanks!
You can get your API keys for trying it out here: https://gdax.com/settings
And the output:
GET call: 200: [{u'available': .......}]
POST call: 400: {u'message': u'invalid signature'}
EDIT: POSTing 'a' instead of valid JSON-encoded data results in the same signature error (rather than a JSON decoding error from the server), so I don't think it is the way I'm forming the data. Notably, if I omit the body -- request.post(..., data='',...)
--- the server responds appropriately with {u'message': u'Missing product_id'}
blogs - 从 tumblr 主页删除 coinbase 提示按钮
我在帖子页面中包含了一个 coinbase 提示按钮作为 HTML。我必须仅在内部页面(帖子页面)中而不是在主页中显示该按钮。
我无法通过 CSS 隐藏它。因为div
php - 对 Coinbase Exchange 私有 API 的 PHP 身份验证
我正在尝试通过 Coinbase Exchange 私有 API 进行身份验证以获取余额和下/取消订单。下面是我尝试使用的代码的演示版本。我已关注文档,但我不断收到以下错误:
编辑:我已经根据 Sašo 的回答修改了下面的代码,所以它现在可以工作了。
python - 从 Coinbase Exchange API Websocket 接收数据
我正在尝试使用 Coinbase Exchange API 构建订单簿快照,特别是使用 Websocket 提要。
我相信我成功地建立了连接并发送了初始订阅消息。在初始订阅消息之后,我期待 onMessage 事件。但似乎没有这样的消息到达。最终连接超时并关闭。
php - 使用 HTTP_X_SIGNATURE 验证 Coinbase IPN
我已经为比特币交易集成了 Coinbase,除了已经实现的其他安全功能之外,我想验证 IPN 是否真的来自他们使用他们的签名。
他们的支持表明“验证 x_signature 标头中是否包含正确的签名。包含的签名将使用以下公钥完成:https ://www.coinbase.com/coinbase.pub 。”
使用openssl_verify 文档,我整理了以下内容:
这不是验证(即打印“坏”)并且他们的 API 库没有功能。我已经掩盖了数据,但如果有任何关于我在该过程中做错的建议,我将不胜感激。先感谢您。
javascript - Coinbase 接受 BTC - 为 iframe 预填充金额
有没有办法显示预先填充了数量的 Coinbase iframe(而不是允许用户更改 iframe 中的数量)?理想情况下,我希望用户能够在他/她点击“用比特币支付”按钮之前输入一个金额。
我知道这可以通过在用户单击按钮时调用 API 重新生成新的 iframe 来完成,但我不想每次单击按钮时都这样做。