问题标签 [coin-or-clp]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c++ - 如何在 COIN-OR Clp 中设置线性程序?

我正在使用 COIN-OR Clp,我需要在 C++ 中定义我的线性问题。我可以根据矩阵和约束向量构造我的问题,但我不明白 Clp 需要此信息的格式。如何构造 CoinPackedMatrix 或 CoinBigIndex 等,以通过 ClpSimplex 传递给 ClpSimplex。负载问题()?

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linear-programming - 目标下限命令?将 PULP 与 COIN_CMD/CBC/CLP 一起使用

我正在使用 PULP 来解决带有 CBC 的 LP,fracgap(epgap) 为 0.01 (99.99%)。求解器完成后是否有返回最佳下限的命令?因此,无论求解器将目标值与什么进行比较,以了解其在 0.01 范围内,它都可以停止。

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c++ - 硬币或 - 在我的项目中使用

我想使用 COIN-OR 作为我自己项目的共享库,您是否有任何链接可以创建 COIN-OR 作为共享库并将其包含在我的项目中,包括 CMakeList 演示?

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cmake - CMake ExternalProject_Add 使用自动设置变量


如果未指定上述任何 ..._DIR 选项,则其默认值计算如下。如果给出了 PREFIX 选项或设置了 EP_PREFIX 目录属性,则在指定的前缀下构建并安装一个外部项目:

在以下示例中,我想将 COIN-OR-CLP 添加为具有自定义项的外部项目,CONFIGURE_COMMAND因为 CLP 使用 Autotools。这行得通。




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coin-or-cbc - CBC Hangs After Finding Optimal Solution

I am trying to use CBC to solve an mps file. It frequently hangs for long periods of time and it will exit without any message.

It will also hang even after it has found the optimal solution. I don't know why it isn't returning to prompt.

I've reinstalled the latest version 2.10, and I've tried on multiple Windows 10 machines.

Prompt inputs and outputs below.

Everything before Result - Optimal solution found ran quickly, but then it prints Cuts at root node changed objective from 1.25864e+08 to -1.79769e+308, and runs for a very long time. Turning cuts off did not change anything. That specific line no longer appears, but the objective still goes from 1.25864e+08 to -1.06e15. The model then takes about an hour to get back to the actual objective value of 1.25864e+08, which is the integer optimal solution as well as the solution to LP relaxation.

It solves in clp in several seconds. The mps file was written by glpk, and solves in several seconds in CPLEX.

Any guidance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

I've tried multiple version of cbc and I still get this long hang time for relatively simply problems. I've tried .lp and .mps formats (clp seems to solve .lp faster), but nothing changes.

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pyomo - Pyomo - 日志文件的位置

非常基本的问题,但是我在哪里可以找到 Pyomo 的求解器日志文件?我在 Ubuntu 机器上本地安装了 COIN-OR 求解器。

这发生在 Jupyter 笔记本中,但是当我从终端运行 .py 文件时,我收到了相同的错误消息。

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julia - 如何使用 JuMP 0.19 更改下限

我有一个变量x,其下限被定义为lb=zeros(3),之后我想将 的每个元素更改为lb数组的相等元素,就像c=[1;2;1]我想要的那样,让lb[i]=c[i] for i=1:length(c)我以前在以前的版本中通过以下方式执行此操作:
