问题标签 [charat]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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java - java中的字符串索引越界错误(charAt)


  • 输入是用户输入
  • i是值为 0 的整数,如图所示


线程“主”java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException 中的异常:字符串索引超出范围:6
at java.lang.String.charAt(Unknown Source)
at program.main(program.java:15)

如果我将 0 更改charAt int为 0 而不是i,它不会产生错误......

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java - charAt producing different outputs

Now this code works absolutely fine in one machine but in another just simply refuses to output the correct result.

It is a simple Initials output request. I have no queries with the code but my question is why is it outputting numbers instead of letters?

When running the code from my laptop using Eclipse(Kepler) no issues and I get letters. If i use one of the desktops available to me and the same version of Eclipse I get an integer as a result. It may be settings but I just cant figure out why. And rewriting the code makes no change to the output

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java - 将二维字符数组复制到另一个二维字符数组


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java - 尝试创建回文...如何将“output.charAt(k)”与原始“输出”字符串进行比较?


但我希望它在第三行打印“heyman”。(我只是在执行打印语句来测试它是否正确执行,我的目标是将 String last 与 String 输出进行比较,如果它们相同,则它是回文,否则不是。)


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javascript -


我想知道是否可以让它在单词 hello 和 world 之间添加一个 br 标签。

我试过这样:'hello' + br tag + 'world'; 但没有奏效,可能是因为charAt。


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java - Java - charAt 得到错误的字符


这将需要 7,乘以 7,然后写下答案的最后一位数字,然后将其乘以 7,然后将 7 的第一位数字加上 7,依此类推 - 所以如果你做 3 次(写下它下来),你得到我在那里写的乘法。




据我所知,问题出在 charAt 中,因为显然 7*7 的第一个字符不是 52。

编辑 现在代码工作正常,我还有另一个问题。我尝试了我的新工作代码(将 tens 作为 char 的字符串值的 int 值,而不仅仅是 char),我还有另一个问题。万岁!

我的代码现在与旧代码相同,只是固定了十位。但是现在,我得到了 15 个数字。那应该是一个数字。怎么了?老实说,我不知道我写的代码是否能实现我的目的。什么代码会?

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java - Java += operator on String with charAt() methods results in char addition

I'm working through the problems on Codingbat.com and bumped into the fact that for the += operator, a += b isn't necessarily exactly equal to a = a + b. This is well known and has been discussed on SO before, but I bumped into something strange happening when using the charAt() method combined with the above syntax that I can't make sense of.

Say I have two variables:

I want to add the first letter in "str" two times to "result". One way of doing this is to:

which results in result = "TT".

However, if I use the += operator, e.g.:

I get result = "168". Clearly character addition has taken place (ASCII code for 'T' is 84, 84*2 = 168).

I'm wondering what is actually going on in the first case using the += operator. According to the docs on assignment operators: E1 op= E2 is equivalent to E1 = (T)((E1) op (E2)). So I would expect the latter expression to output "168" just like using the += operator did. But the following outputs "TT" correctly, and not "168":

Have I just misunderstood the documentation? I also found an answer on SO that suggests that str1 += str2 is equivalent to:

But evaluating the following:

Still results in "TT", not "168".

Sorry for the long post! I'm just curious at what actually is happening when using charAt() in combination with a String and +=, because the two "equivalents" I've found (if I've translated them from two to three terms correctly) does not produce the same result.

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java - 在按钮单击时使用 charAt() 检查是否有任何字母在任何位置

我正在制作一个刽子手游戏,并希望代码检查隐藏的单词是否在任何位置包含字母表中的任何字母。例如 charAt(0)、charAt(1) 等。一旦它检查了字母是否在单词中,我希望它为该字母设置相应的基础标签。



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java - 主方法中的 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException 错误

运行我的主要方法时,我获得了 StringIndexOutOfBoundsError。


忽略代码中的 cat 部分,我使用 println 语句来测试代码。也忽略数组输出的值,因为我想稍后在程序中使用数组。



这是我的 ProductionWorker.java 子类,它扩展了 employeeOne

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javascript - traverse a string char by char javascript

If str is "Argument goes here" it returns XXXXXXXXX. WHy doesn't it return MMMMMMMMMM?