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iphone - 搜索 NSArray 包含 NSDictionary,具有“时间效率”


我正在UITextField - (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string; 数据源方法中执行搜索,



aaa, abeb, abcd, abbec 类似字符串



如果aa只返回 aaa,

如果ab返回abeb, abcd, abbec喜欢,

重要的是,如果cd它只返回 abcd



另一种方式 - 通过迭代

这两种方法都运行良好,结果如我所料,但仅在模拟器中!当我在设备中测试相同的内容时,根据搜索的扩展,它大约需要 1 / 2 / 3 秒,首先说如果我输入,a它需要 3 秒,因为aa它需要大约 2 秒,依此类推。IT LOOKS CLUMSY ON DEVICE, ANY PRESSED KEY WILL BE REMAIN HIGHLIGHTED UNTIL SEARCH NOT DONE.


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As per the Alladinian comment, I performed search operation in background thread, yes now its not lock UI, but still searching is too slow, What I'm doing is, performing a selector for some delay say 0.25 seconds, also cancelling any previous selector calls, and then performing searching in background, also reloading table in main thread. Its working like, If I type character with some delay, its works good, but if I type whole word at once, it will loading / updating table as per the characters pressed, at last it will show me the actual output, takes 3-4 seconds for showing the actual content.

Any suggestion or help highly appreciated!

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swift - 从 CFArray 获取值时出错

我正在尝试从通讯录中获取联系人。我的代码在 Objective C 中正常工作,但是当我将其转换为 swift 时出现错误



如何将记录转换为 ABRecordRef。请帮忙

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ios - 将 CFArray 中的项目从索引移动到索引

我有一个CFArrayof ints,我想将intat 索引移动i到 index j。我已经四处寻找,但我找不到任何东西。有谁知道该怎么做?

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objective-c - 什么是 CFArray 以及 CFArray 与 NSArray 之间的区别

这可能是一个重复的问题,但我浏览了这么多博客和文档,但我仍然无法弄清楚什么是 CFArray。
