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python - Enthought 安装 Canopy Windows 7 失败解析错误无效行

我一直在尝试在 Win 7 64 位机器上安装 Canopy 64 位。我下载了快速安装版和学术版。它们似乎都已安装但无法启动。错误信息是:

意外错误 ParseError:Invalid line line "1"

我卸载了 Canopy 的早期版本,但我不愿意卸载我所有的 Python 安装。Canopy 不回答错误报告,我不能为了获得 Canopy 的好处而牺牲我的整个 Python 构建。

在安装过程中,我从未获得过“以管理员身份运行”的选项。我从 msi 文件安装,这些文件似乎没有以管理员身份运行的选项。

这是否发生在其他人身上,还是我只需要放弃 Enthought?


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python - Python Enthought Canopy 拒绝工作

我安装了 Canopy,在连续循环之后它崩溃了。提出了这个错误报告。我已经卸载,重新启动并重新安装,但无济于事。这是我的日志:我需要这个为程序课程工作:请帮助。这是日志:

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enthought - How to get Enthought Canopy virtual environment to look like an independent Python installation to binary installers on Windows?

I've created a new test virtual environment in Enthought Canopy 1.1.1 (64-bit) using canopy_cli venv NEW_PATH as per the documentation, however when I run a binary installer such as the latest numpy, it doesn't find the venv as a place where the package can be installed.

What is a minimal set of changes I need to make to the registry for my venv to be recognized by a binary like the latest numpy? It would be nice if in a future update this was done automatically, or via a switch.

Finally, I had to run canopy_cli venv from the App environment, as when I run it from the default User environment I get the following error. Is this a bug?

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python - Canopy - 获取拒绝访问错误

我正在学习 python(从非常低的基线开始)并且最近重新安装了 Canopy(在 MacBook 上)它之前运行良好。




文件“/Users/simonthompson/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/System/lib/python2.7/site-packages/envisage/ui/tasks/tasks_application.py”,第 205 行,在 create_window window.add_task(task) 文件“/ Applications/Canopy.app/appdata/canopy-”,第 187 行,处于 add_task 状态。 dock_panes.append(dock_pane_factory(task=task)) 文件“build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/egg/canopy/plugin/editor_task.py”,第 143 行,在 _create_python_pane 文件“/Users/simonthompson/Library/Enthought/ Canopy_64bit/System/lib/python2.7/site-packages/envisage/application.py”,第 371 行,在 get_service 协议中,查询、最小化、最大化文件“/Users/simonthompson/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/System/lib/蟒蛇2。7/site-packages/envisage/service_registry.py”,第 78 行,在 get_service services = self.get_services(protocol, query, minimize, minimize) 文件“/Users/simonthompson/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/System/lib/python2 .7/site-packages/envisage/service_registry.py”,第 115 行,在 get_services actual_protocol、name、obj、properties、service_id 文件中“/Users/simonthompson/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/System/lib/python2.7/site -packages/envisage/service_registry.py”,第 259 行,在 _resolve_factory obj = obj(**properties) 文件“build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/egg/canopy/python_frontend/plugin.py”,第 109 行,在_frontend_manager_service_factory 文件“build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/egg/canopy/app/running_process_manager.py”,第 82 行,在 register_proc 文件“build/bdist.macosx-10.5-i386/egg/canopy/app/util.py”,第 53 行,在 get_exe_or_cmdline 文件“/Users/simonthompson/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/System/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psutil/_common.py ",第 80 行,在获取 ret = self.func(instance) 文件“/Users/simonthompson/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/System/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psutil/init .py ”,第 331 行,在 exe 中返回 guess_it(fallback =err)文件“/Users/simonthompson/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/System/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psutil/init .py ”,第 314 行,在 guess_it cmdline = self.cmdline 文件“/Users/西蒙普森/图书馆/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/System/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psutil/init.py”,第 346 行,在 cmdline 中返回 self._platform_impl.get_process_cmdline() 文件“/Users/simonthompson/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/System/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psutil/_psosx.py”,行153,在包装提升 AccessDenied(self.pid, self._process_name) AccessDenied: (pid=343) DEBUG|2013-11-03 21:19:25|QtWarningMsg: QImage::scaled: Image is an null image

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python - Mavericks OS 升级后无法在 vim 中编辑 .py 文件

我最近安装了 Mavericks OS X。从那以后我无法使用 vim 操作 .py 文件。我可以vi some_filename像往常一样使用,但是当我运行时,我vi some_filename.py在终端中收到以下错误:


我使用 Canopy 发行版作为我的默认 Python 环境,所以这个问题可能与这个事实有关

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python - 无法在 IPython 中导入 sympy 、 scipy

我无法使用 Ipython 从 Mac 终端导入 scipy、sympy。我的 Python 发行版是 Canopy,这也是我的默认 Python 环境(IPython 别名为 /Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/bin/ipython。)

操作系统为 OS X 10.9。


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python - 我们可以用 enthought canopy 安装 pygame 包吗?

我打算使用 Canopy 编辑器进行我的 python 编码,尤其是一些基本的游戏开发......

谁能告诉我我们是否可以为树冠编辑器安装 pygame 包?

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python - 为 Enthought Canopy 创建模板文件

我目前正在使用 Enthought 生产的应用程序 Canopy,我要求我制作的每个文件都必须在顶部包含一个注释,说明作者是谁,文件创建时间和最后编辑时间。

我想知道是否有一种方法,当我在 Canopy 中创建一个新文件(特别是一个 python 文件)时,它可以自动在顶部使用此信息填充文件。同样,如果我在保存文件后重新打开文件,或者在每次新保存时,它会自动使用新的日期时间戳更新评论的相关最后编辑部分。

Enthought 应用程序建议我将我的问题提交给 Stackoverflow,所以我希望它是合适的。

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macos - How to get opencv image in an enaml space - Is it possible?

Is it possible to have enaml as target for OpenCV?

I'm thinking how to setup GUI and what to use. Nothing too complicated, I need to be able to set some bitmap background, draw rectangles and circles over it, but also have the possibility to select/move these graphics objects.

Also, I would like that I do not have to take care of all these elements when I stretch the window, etc. they should do this automatically since they would be defined in some "absolute" space. I think I could easily make it work for the bitmaps (even from memory), by overriding request_image in ImageProvider object (even though I see some strange cache happening in provider/enaml view).

Problem that I'm having now with OpenCV (OSX 64) is that even when I get resize to work with qt backend and CV_WINDOW_NORMAL, the content does not stretch. I like OpenCV, because easily I get basic UI functions.

On the other hand I started to like enaml so I'm thinking did anyone manage to get these to to work together. I'm thinking if link with MPL works, it's possible that coupling with OpenCV should be possible :)


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python - Enthought Canopy Mayavi 字体大小错误

Enthough Canopy Mayavi mlab 中的字体大小设置似乎已损坏。


mlab.axes.label_text_property.font_size = 12 (e.g.)


我已经用 Enthought 记录了一个错误报告,但它看起来更像是一个更一般的 Mayavi 错误,请参阅
