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c4 - 在 XCODE 中编译 c4iOS 应用程序时出错

终于被注册为 iOS 开发人员 - 尝试编译我为 iPAD 编写的应用程序。应用程序在模拟器中运行良好,编译时会抛出此错误。

这是错误 ld:文件是通用的(2 片),但不包含 a(n) armv7s 片:/Users/YourMom/Documents/_.programming/c4iOS_APPS/test2/test2/Library/libC4.a for architecture armv7s clang :错误:链接器命令失败,退出代码为 1(使用 -v 查看调用)





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c4 - C4 是否支持捏合手势?

我刚刚下载了 C4,并试图在一些示例代码中实现捏合手势,而我已经有了滑动手势。代码如下:

一旦我添加带有 PINCH 的第二行,我就会在编译时收到以下错误消息,这似乎很奇怪,因为 PINCH 列在下面错误消息中提到的列表中。有什么想法吗?


2012-10-10 00:58:06.166 Test[24121:10703] *** Assertion failure in -[MyBall addGesture:name:action:], /Users/moi/Development/C4Installer/libC4/libC4/C4Control.m:319

2012-10-10 00:58:06.184 Test[24121:10703] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'The gesture you tried to use is not one of: TAP, PINCH, SWIPERIGHT, SWIPELEFT, SWIPEUP, SWIPEDOWN, ROTATION, PAN, or LONGPRESS'

*** First throw call stack: (0x320022 0x1730cd6 0x2c8a48 0x99c2cb 0xcdd3 0x380b 0x3190 0xe2b386 0xe2c274 0xe3b183 0xe3bc38 0xe2f634 0x3c2eef5 0x2f4195 0x258ff2 0x2578da 0x256d84 0x256c9b 0xe2bc65 0xe2d626 0x2d3d 0x2ca5) terminate called throwing an exception(lldb)

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c4 - 为什么 C4 github 示例缺少对 iPad 模拟器的支持?

我最近从https://github.com/C4Code下载了 testScrollView 和 WalkCycle 示例,但最顶部工具栏中的下拉窗口缺少选择 iPad 模拟器作为目标设备的选项。我是否必须启用某些功能才能正确显示此菜单,或者这是 C4/XCode 版本之间不兼容的问题?

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c4 - 滚动和图像大小问题?

下载了 testScrollView 文件,但无法正常工作。


似乎一切正常,没有弹出任何重大错误或任何东西,但是当我尝试在模拟器上运行它时,它会在右下角弹出“目标缓冲区大小太大(15360 x 768);不能大于 4096 x 4096",同时会弹出调试窗口。


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animation - 如何在 C4 中删除动画缓动?





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ios - PAN gesture ending not triggering 'touches ended' with a C4View Subclass? (C4)

So I'm using the C4 coding framework for IOS and I've encountered something I can't quite figure out.

I'm using two examples for the C4 github account together - the testScrollView and WalkCycle examples.

I have a C4View subclass called Walker which uses the WalkCycle example as a the template for a small animated character. This character is placed into a scrollable view created from the testScrollView example. He's got a pan gesture added so that the user can drag him to the top of the screen, and watch him fall and splat on the bottom.

Only problem is I can't get any kind of method called when the pan gesture is ended, not from the -(void)touchesEnded command and not from others I've tried.

Some links to similar problems that haven't helped me but might help someone else work this out:

My totally uneducated and baseless hunch is that it has something to do with the walker being a child of C4View, as I didn't have this problem recognizing touchesEnded with c4shapes and images.

I'm not really sure what to post for code, but here are the relevant bits from Walker.m;

and touchesEnded:

and looking at Walker.h I just realized something strange;

I changed the @interface to C4Image at some point, at the time it seemed to effect nothing and allowed me to have TAP and PAN gestures that worked. Until now....Changing it back to a C4View eliminates support for all gestures. I imagine the problem is there?

Apologies if there is a simple solution but I'm quite lost in trying to fix this.

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c4 - C4Shape 的 zPosition 属性是否需要一些时间才能开始工作?



那么标签显示的 zPosition 值不正确。但是,如果我在延迟后运行我的方法,那么它就可以工作。

那里发生了什么事?zPosition 需要一点时间才能启动吗?还是我只是做错了事?


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ios - 在屏幕上获得所有触摸

我有一个小问题。我想接收屏幕上的所有触摸,并为每个触摸生成一个新视频。问题是,一旦放置视频,它就会拦截接触点。我尝试了各种值进入 locationInView 但到目前为止没有任何运气。我找对地方了吗?

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c4 - 掩蔽如何在 C4 中工作?



我错过了一步吗?也许我试图掩盖的图像没有任何 alpha 值(我猜这里,我看到它在另一个问题中提到它们必须是具有 alpha 值的图像并且他们提到了 .png 文件,所以这就是我用了)?

当我尝试使用两种形状时,我尝试将我想要遮罩的形状的填充的 alpha 值设置为 0.5 和 0.0,并且也只是将 fillColor 设置为 Nil ......仍然没有。

我也(在最后一次绝望的尝试中)尝试了这里描述的方法:Mask a view in Objective-C但我对 Objective-c 本身不是很好,所以这也不起作用。

在 C4 中屏蔽的正确方法是什么?

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c4 - 升级后 C4 选项在 XCODE 中消失了

应用程序的 C4 选项已消失。XCODE 做后台更新吗?我可以关掉这个吗?它似乎影响了C4,这是正确的吗?
