问题标签 [build-time]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
reactjs - How to reduce react app build time and understanding behaviour of webpack when bundling
Recently I am trying to optimize the performance of a web app(React). Assuming it is somewhat heavy as it consists of Code editors, Firebase, SQL, AWS SDK, etc. So I integrated react-loadable which will lazy load the components, After that, I got this Javascript heap out of memory issue.
FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory in React
After some research(From a friend), I came to know that If we keep too many lazy loadings webpack will try to bundle them parallelly It might be the cause to get a Javascript heap memory issue, To confirm that I removed all Lazy loading routes in my App and built. Now build is successful. Later as suggested by the community I increased Node heap space size and got the below insights
First I increased it to 8 GB(8192) then build is success I got build time of around 72 mins, From next time onwards I am getting around 20 mins. Then I decreased heap memory size to 4 GB(4096) and getting build success it is around 15 - 20 mins. System configuration is 2vCPU, 16GB RAM(AWS EC2 Instance r5a.large
Next, I kept build in another system (Mac book pro, i5, 8 GB RAM, 4 Cores) Now it took 30 mins, Second time it took 20 mins
So from these data points, I got a couple of questions
- Do we need to keep increasing heap space whenever we add some code? If yes what would be the average heap memory size in the community
- What would be the usual configuration for build systems for these kinds of heavy apps, Why because now I am not sure whether to increase the number of cores or RAM or Heap space or Altogether something to do with our app code.
- Do webpack provide any kind of solutions to avoid heap memory issue like limiting parallel processes, or any plugins?
- If at all it is related with our App code, Is there any standard process to debug where it is taking memory and to optimize based on that
PS : Some people suggested to keep GENERATE_SOUCREMAP=false
it got worked but we need source maps as they will be helpful in debugging production issues
ios - 优化大型快速项目的构建时间
我有一个巨大的 swift 项目,它有 70 多个故事板和 1269 个 XIB 和 14 个 compile swiftsources。它需要 16 到 35 分钟。正如我所看到的,大部分编译时间是由于故事板和 XIB 造成的。
- 禁用 DSYM
- 优化级别是最快的。
- 尝试博客中提到的所有内容 -> https://www.avanderlee.com/optimization/analysing-build-performance-xcode/
flutter - 使用双 CPU 时 Flutter 构建时间会增加吗?
Flutter/Dart 是否支持多核编译?有人说飞镖是单芯的,不能
next.js - 我的 Next.JS 应用程序构建时间有什么问题?
我用 Next.JS 制作了简单的静态电子商务应用程序。对于我的产品页面,我获取了一些数据字符串(非常少)。当我构建我的应用程序时,会收到以毫秒为单位的黄色和红色时间的模棱两可的结果输出(在下面固定图片)。
为什么收到的时间看起来如此糟糕?需要我修复一些东西还是一切都好?在 next.js 的早期版本中,没有这样的时间标记。
swift - 添加 `final` 关键字会减少 Swift 中的编译时间吗?
virtualbox - RHEL 7 VM (VirtualBox) 内的构建时间
我有一个正在尝试在主机和 VirtualBox 客户端上构建的软件。
两台机器都使用相同的 RHEL7 操作系统和完全相同的 Makefile 集。
但是,主机上的构建时间比 VM 上的要快得多。