问题标签 [build-time]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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objective-c - 构建时序摘要中的 Ld 是什么

每次对代码进行任何更改时,我的构建时间都很慢。我尝试使用时序摘要进行构建,这是来自 Report Navigator 的报告-


具有 409 个任务的 CompileC 需要 134.55 秒,这是可以理解的,但我不确定 Ld(1 个任务)是什么意思,这需要将近 2 分钟。


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reactjs - How to reduce react app build time and understanding behaviour of webpack when bundling

Recently I am trying to optimize the performance of a web app(React). Assuming it is somewhat heavy as it consists of Code editors, Firebase, SQL, AWS SDK, etc. So I integrated react-loadable which will lazy load the components, After that, I got this Javascript heap out of memory issue.

FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory in React

After some research(From a friend), I came to know that If we keep too many lazy loadings webpack will try to bundle them parallelly It might be the cause to get a Javascript heap memory issue, To confirm that I removed all Lazy loading routes in my App and built. Now build is successful. Later as suggested by the community I increased Node heap space size and got the below insights

First I increased it to 8 GB(8192) then build is success I got build time of around 72 mins, From next time onwards I am getting around 20 mins. Then I decreased heap memory size to 4 GB(4096) and getting build success it is around 15 - 20 mins. System configuration is 2vCPU, 16GB RAM(AWS EC2 Instance r5a.large).

Next, I kept build in another system (Mac book pro, i5, 8 GB RAM, 4 Cores) Now it took 30 mins, Second time it took 20 mins

So from these data points, I got a couple of questions

  1. Do we need to keep increasing heap space whenever we add some code? If yes what would be the average heap memory size in the community
  2. What would be the usual configuration for build systems for these kinds of heavy apps, Why because now I am not sure whether to increase the number of cores or RAM or Heap space or Altogether something to do with our app code.
  3. Do webpack provide any kind of solutions to avoid heap memory issue like limiting parallel processes, or any plugins?
  4. If at all it is related with our App code, Is there any standard process to debug where it is taking memory and to optimize based on that

PS : Some people suggested to keep GENERATE_SOUCREMAP=false it got worked but we need source maps as they will be helpful in debugging production issues

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ios - 优化大型快速项目的构建时间

我有一个巨大的 swift 项目,它有 70 多个故事板和 1269 个 XIB 和 14 个 compile swiftsources。它需要 16 到 35 分钟。正如我所看到的,大部分编译时间是由于故事板和 XIB 造成的。





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flutter - 使用双 CPU 时 Flutter 构建时间会增加吗?

Flutter/Dart 是否支持多核编译?有人说飞镖是单芯的,不能

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next.js - 我的 Next.JS 应用程序构建时间有什么问题?

我用 Next.JS 制作了简单的静态电子商务应用程序。对于我的产品页面,我获取了一些数据字符串(非常少)。当我构建我的应用程序时,会收到以毫秒为单位的黄色和红色时间的模棱两可的结果输出(在下面固定图片)。 在此处输入图像描述


为什么收到的时间看起来如此糟糕?需要我修复一些东西还是一切都好?在 next.js 的早期版本中,没有这样的时间标记。

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swift - Swift 在构建时是否多次进行类型检查

我目前正在研究构建时间优化。我将这两行添加到“Other swift flags”调试选项中。


如果我只是: UIColor在定义之后添加,它可以解决吗?


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swift - 添加 `final` 关键字会减少 Swift 中的编译时间吗?




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virtualbox - RHEL 7 VM (VirtualBox) 内的构建时间


我有一个正在尝试在主机和 VirtualBox 客户端上构建的软件。

两台机器都使用相同的 RHEL7 操作系统和完全相同的 Makefile 集。

但是,主机上的构建时间比 VM 上的要快得多。

