问题标签 [avconv]

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stdin - 当通过 STDIN 提供时,为什么 avprobe 无法确定 MP3 文件的持续时间?

我正在尝试使用avprobe. 这有效(尽管有一些奇怪的警告):

但是,如果我转身通过 STDIN 传输文件,我会遇到问题:

持续时间报告为“N/A”。为什么从 STDIN 读取时无法计算出持续时间?

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video - 如何通过 avconv 合并视频?


我想将它们合并到 full.mp4






我不想使用 ffmpeg 或其他。仅 Avconv。

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ubuntu - 从 AVI 中提取字幕流

我有一个带有 3 个字幕流的 AVI 文件(mpeg4 视频)。我需要将第二个流提取到 SRT/txt 以便对翻译进行一些更正。我目前在一台 Ubuntu 机器上。

我尝试使用 avconv,但出现错误。这是“avconv -i”的结果:

这是我最初尝试的命令:'avconv -i video.avi -map 0:3 subs.srt'

这给了我一个错误:“找不到输出流 #0:0 的编码器(编解码器 id 0)”


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mp4 - 使用 avconv 从 .mov 转换为 .mp4(或 h264)

查看 avconv 网站,似乎有很多转换视频的选项。


有没有一种简单的方法可以将 .mov 转换为 .mp4(或 h264)?


如果有帮助,我在 Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS 上。

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257 浏览

linux - 如何在 Linux 中使用 perl 脚本执行 avconv 命令

我需要使用 perl 脚本使用给定的参数执行以下命令

avconv -threads 4 -ss 0.0 -i /path/to/movie.avi output.ts

如何在 Linux 环境中使用 perl 脚本执行此命令?

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3902 浏览

ffmpeg - 如何使用 avconv / ffmpeg 从流式 RTMP 中连续提取视频帧?

我们正在处理 RTMP 上的流式视频,我的目标是以给定的时间间隔从流中提取帧,例如每 1 秒。

目前我在循环中运行一个命令,该命令需要一个帧并将其导出为 base64 JPEG:

但是这些过程中的每一个都很长(需要几秒钟——这会增加已经不是实时的流媒体视频的更多延迟)。我想知道是否有办法让 avconv 或 ffmpeg 以一定间隔(以秒或帧为单位)提取帧,然后保存为文件或转储到标准输出。


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ffmpeg - Converting DVD image with subtitles to MKV using avconv

This is the procedure I know to convert a DVD image to another videoformat (v.g. MP4):

  1. concatenate the VTS_01_n.VOB files inside VIDEO_TS folder (for n >= 0) into a single VOB file.
  2. use avconv or ffmpeg in order to convert that VOB into another format.

So far so good, however now I want to convert the DVD image with the subtitles. As far as I know the MKV format supports subtitles, so it seems an obvious choice. Alternatively I might use any other format with hard subtitles (subtitles as part of the video image).

However, the subtitle encoding in the DVD image is dvdsub and I get the following error

However, when running avconv -codecs I get:

And the -c:s copy switch, while it prevents the command to fail, it does not seem to produce a subtitle that the player can understand.

So, how can I create ass subtitles from dvdsub using avconv?

My VOB file has eight subtitle channels and two audio channels. The Ubuntu video app does not show any subtitles, and only the first audio channel seems to be working, do the DVD image might be broken.

Another file, for a double-layer DVD, displays the Subtitle encoding error, however when using the -c:s copy switch it further displays:

Thank you in advance for any ideas on how to solve these problems.

(I am using Ubuntu where ffmpeg is an alias for avconv. I know it is possible to install the real ffmpeg but so far I have not done so.)

update: commands and console outputs:






output omitted.



Now, for the double-layer: commands




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shell - How to get the duration of a file in milliseconds

I am trying to get the duration of an audio file (.wav) in milliseconds.

I have seen some command lines using ffmpeg, but this library is deprecated (remplaced by avconv) on my Ubuntu version, and i didn't find anything on it.

I can get the duration by running avconv -i <file> but i am looking for the result in milliseconds.

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877 浏览

php - Avconv get total duration of the encoding process

We're working on a debian machine and testing avconv. Is it possible to get the duration of the encoding process before we start encoding? The aim of this is to get the total duration and display a progress bar (PHP). Thanks

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ios - rtmp 转 hls

我在 ubuntu 12.04 上将我的 rtmp 直播流转码为 hls 执行了以下步骤:


avconv:重定位错误:/usr/local/lib/libavfilter.so.3:符号 sws_isSupportedEndiannessConversion,版本 LIBSWSCALE_2 未在带有链接时间参考的文件 libswscale.so.2 中定义

