问题标签 [automated-deployment]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
vba - 调用多个模块中的用户选择
我当前的代码使用 Workbook_Open 事件来运行询问用户想要做什么的用户表单,如果他们选择“A”,它会使用显示所有打开的工作簿名称的列表框填充用户表单。使用 ListBox_DblClick 事件,我希望用户能够双击他们希望激活的工作簿的名称,以运行一些涉及从一张工作表复制信息的任务(导出到临时文件夹的工作簿一个半不可能的命名系统)到我知道其名称和位置的工作簿中。我似乎无法在双击事件后调用列表框值。任何指针?
release - 如何使用 Release Management DSC 将单个解决方案中的两个项目部署到两个不同的服务器中
我想在一个解决方案中使用 RM DSC 部署三个项目:
- Windows 服务
- 网页界面
- 和一个数据库项目
对于部署,我有三个 Azure 服务器:
- 一个 SQL 框
- 和两个应用服务器
- Windows 服务项目到所有三台服务器
- WebUI 到其中一个应用服务器和
- 将 DB 项目放入 SQL 框中。
我的最终目标是仅复制每个目标服务器上需要的文件。例如,我只想将 DB 文件保留在 DB 服务器中,类似地将 WebUI 文件保留在 App 服务器中。
node.js - 如何在 nodejs 应用程序的飞行计划自动部署脚本中将 pem 文件添加到目标
我是节点应用程序部署的新手,我正在使用 flightplan.js 进行自动部署,但是在我看到的大多数文档中,它只是关于将用户密钥添加到服务器的无密码部署,我想设置目标我可以在哪里指定pem文件的位置以登录服务器,有没有办法做到这一点?现在目标看起来像这样
.net - Install different msi's in different servers
Currently I am working on a project which uses different technologies for different modules and those are installed in different servers using msi's. During production release, it is quite difficult task for developers/support to do this process as they need to create msi and run the msi(we are using WIX for creating msi) in different machines. And during installation of msi, there are some manual steps like selecting enironment(Prod or pre-prod) and locations.
And every time during installation, we need to uninstall and re-install msi's and start/stop corresponding windows services also.
As there are so much manual work(to run in some machine), we want to automize this by running the msi's using command prompt or tool.
Probably having master node(which knows about all the machines) and set of client's node and run different installation for different clients from master node....
Do you guys know any tool in market which will do these process?
Please let me know if you need more details.
Thank you in advance, Sab
excel - 在 Excel/Outlook 中通过电子邮件发送选定的范围
我有以下代码(由Ron de Bruin提供)并试图弄清楚如何自定义它以供我自己使用。
我想知道为什么它会遇到“超出范围”错误,以及是否可以在事件触发后自动完成该过程而无需我输入内容[它是从 Workbook_Open() 事件中触发的-如果这有什么不同,并且选择是在同一工作簿中的另一个工作表(Worksheet(“ValLog”))中进行的]
jenkins - CI / CD的大型分布式客户端服务器应用程序部分的自动化部署
用于 CI 的工具:Jenkins、Github、msbuild、nunit、specflow、wix。
现在我的问题是 1) 将应用程序部署到 2000 多个服务器和客户端是持续部署的一部分,还是应该在 CI/CD 之外处理?2)如果它可以在 CI/CD 中处理,那么我如何在 Jenkins 交付管道中对此进行建模并从 CI 工具触发所有服务器的部署?3) 是否有任何工具可以与 CI 工具集成以自动化部署?
eclipse - 从 Eclipse 通过 https 访问本地 Nexus 存储库
我在我的项目中使用 Maven 构建。我在我们的本地网络中有一个公司关系存储库。此存储库通过 https 托管。
我在从 Eclipse 访问此存储库时遇到问题。
我用谷歌搜索了一下,找到了一个在运行 maven build 时通过证书的解决方案。我下载了证书并使用 -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=Path/To/My/KeyStore 将其传递给 maven
命令行工具工作正常。但是,我仍然无法在 Eclipse 中使用 maven 构建项目。
Maven 不会从本地存储库下载新的依赖项。
vba - Run Worksheet Modules on Save
I have a macro that is currently running within 4 worksheets that highlights cell rows within a certain range (the ranges differ for each worksheet) but to keep the worksheet looking clean and not to leave the highlighting it has built in to it a line that tells it to clear highlighting when I click cell A6 in each of the worksheets where the macro is contained. My issue is getting others who use the worksheet to follow this method, so I am trying to see if there is a way to use the Workbook_BeforeSave workbook function to clear all highlighting on the worksheets when the file is saved.
Is there a way to iterate the "clear formatting" sub that exists in each worksheet from the Workbook module? The clearing code in the worksheet modules is as follows (but I cannot seem to get it to function within the workbook module):
ftp - How to automate building and deploying Jekyll site to webserver via FTP
My Jekyll files are stored in Bitbucket, and I would like to be able to automatically generate the _site folder on every new change that gets pushed. (Note, I don't want to push my _site folder to Git, that is out of the question.)
Once this _site is generated, I would then like to automatically deploy it to my webserver via FTP.
Is this at all possible? What are my options?
installation - Debian Jessie 的自动安装
我有一个现有的基于 Kickstart 的 Ubuntu 自动安装程序,并想为 Debian 构建一个。为了统一起见,使用 Kickstart 似乎是最好的选择。
一个。Kickstart 可以用于 Debian 的自动安装吗?
湾。将 FAI 用于 Debian 而不是 kickstart 有什么优点吗?