Currently I am working on a project which uses different technologies for different modules and those are installed in different servers using msi's. During production release, it is quite difficult task for developers/support to do this process as they need to create msi and run the msi(we are using WIX for creating msi) in different machines. And during installation of msi, there are some manual steps like selecting enironment(Prod or pre-prod) and locations.

And every time during installation, we need to uninstall and re-install msi's and start/stop corresponding windows services also.

As there are so much manual work(to run in some machine), we want to automize this by running the msi's using command prompt or tool.

Probably having master node(which knows about all the machines) and set of client's node and run different installation for different clients from master node....

Do you guys know any tool in market which will do these process?

Please let me know if you need more details.

Thank you in advance, Sab


2 回答 2

  1. 让您的 MSI 对相同版本的其他 MSI 执行重大升级:<MajorUpgrade AllowSameVersionUpgrades="yes" />。这将使您不必手动卸载+安装每个更新的 MSI。

  2. 您可以使用 GPO 从客户端(由中央管理员管理)驱动安装 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXAz6vrWMP0

于 2015-05-19T15:31:15.477 回答



基本上,您生成基本 MSI,然后使用该服务器的配置生成另一个 MSI(您可以自动执行此操作,因为您提到您正在使用 WiX),然后根据差异生成转换(以下示例用于生成语言转换):

torch.exe -p -t language SampleMulti.msi Sample_Hu-hu.msi -out hu-hu.mst

于 2015-05-23T21:32:05.997 回答