问题标签 [asynchronous]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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c++ - 我可以进行异步 ODBC 调用吗?有什么参考资料吗?

ODBC 是否支持异步调用?如果是这样,那么你能告诉我任何参考资料吗?

我的首选语言是 C++。

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.net - 提供“键入时搜索”的最佳方式是什么?

我正在将 Forms 应用程序移植到 VB.NET Web 应用程序,用户真正喜欢的功能之一是能够在用户在搜索框中键入时缩小可能的选择范围。搜索本身针对多个表和列(并且需要几秒钟),因此它不是简单的自动完成或任何东西。允许用户键入并使用匹配项异步更新 ListView 的最佳方式是什么?

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python - 在python中可以异步写入文件吗?

有没有一种简单的方法在 Python 中异步写入文件?

我知道Python 自带的文件 io被阻塞了;在大多数情况下这很好。对于这种特殊情况,我需要写入根本不阻塞应用程序,或者至少尽可能少地阻塞。

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javascript - To Ajaxify Or Not?

I really love the way Ajax makes a web app perform more like a desktop app, but I'm worried about the hits on a high volume site. I'm developing a database app right now that's intranet based, that no more then 2-4 people are going to be accessing at one time. I'm Ajaxing the hell out of it, but it got me to wondering, how much Ajax is too much?

At what point does the volume of hits, outweigh the benefits seen by using Ajax? It doesn't really seem like it would, versus a whole page refresh, since you are, in theory, only updating the parts that need updating.

I'm curious if any of you have used Ajax on high volume sites and in what capacity did you use it? Does it create scaling issues?

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serialization - 为异步消息序列化对象

我正在考虑使用 AMQP(使用 qpid)来启用 Python 和 Java 服务的混合相互通信。基本的短信似乎很简单,但与我研究过的所有其他短信技术一样,它似乎停止了。除了构建即时消息应用程序之外,我认为发送字符串并不是一件特别有用的事情,但一个又一个示例演示了如何发送未格式化的文本。

我的直觉是使用 XML(反)序列化或类似的东西(JSON、YAML、协议缓冲区等),它们在两种语言中都有很好的库支持。这是最佳实践吗?如果是,人们会推荐哪种(反)序列化协议?还是我在某处遗漏了要点,并且应该很满足发送少量文本?

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silverlight - Silverlight 异步超时错误

在我的 silverlight 应用程序中调用我的 Silverlight Enabled WCF-Service,有时用户会超时。增加服务客户端响应时间的最简单方法是什么?

抛出的确切异常是: System.TimeoutException: [HttpRequestTimedOutWithoutDetail]


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c# - 如何在虚拟模式下异步填充 ListView?

我想在列表视图中显示我们数据库中的记录 - 但检索可能需要很长时间。我可以使用 RetrieveVirtualItem 告诉我何时需要新的 ListViewItem,添加一个虚拟项目,然后开始检索;但是当数据库返回记录时我该怎么办?当 ListView 处于 VirtualMode 时,我无法更新 ListView 的 Items 集合。有没有办法告诉 ListView 重新加载项目?或者我可以只保留对 ListViewItem 的引用并填充它吗?如果这些都不起作用,我还能如何在虚拟模式下异步填充 ListView?

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asp.net - Would ManualResetEvent/AutoResetEvent use workerthread or IO-thread in asp.net

the web layer is coded in asp.net with pages marked as async. Yes, the recommended way to code for aync is using the RegisterAsyncTask

I have a problem now - there are a few pages that have used AutoResetEvent and ManualResetEvent for aync and not the standard RegisterAsyncTask.

Would these objects servicing the async calls, use up the worker threads from the threadpool? (not recommended, as this would exhaust the worker threads and the server would not be able to serve other client requests


would they use the IO threads? (typically IO threads are used for async calls with the RegsterAsyncTask, this is desired)

I would need to propose change to these pages based on your insights. Any opinions please?

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c++ - 异步 ReadDirectoryChangesW()?



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windows - 如何使用带有完成例程的 ReadDirectoryChangesW() 方法?

我想ReadDirectoryChangesW()在提供 I/O 完成例程的异步模式下使用函数。

