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latex - Asymptote compiled on Git Bash gives Cygwin Error

I recently installed Asymptote 2.78 and GhostScript 9.55 (as the MikTeX installation on Windows screws them both). I also deleted the old MikTeX packages. I wanted to compile a LaTeX file with asymptote code in it. When I compile it, MikTeX again downloads the old Asymptote (which I then delete) and produces a *.asy file. I have the asymptote exe here: C:\Program Files\Asymptote\asy.exe. When I run it on my *.asy (on GIT BASH), it produces the follwing error:

Now here's the funny bit: I have not installed Cygwin on my Windows machine whatsoever. I even searched my computer using the Everything Search engine. There is no other cygwin1.dll. But there are some other cygwins belonging to Git. When I run the stuff from Windows Command Prompt, it works (even when I do not delete the MikTeX asy)! This is when I do latexmk -pdf *.tex on cmd prompt. I do not understand what is going on. Please help!!