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c# - Linq To Sql - Making a dynamic search for the Application layer without exposing DAL layer as DLL
Linq to SQL, C#.
I have 3 layers: DAL,BL,Application. I want to build functions of search in the BL for each table so those functions get as a parameter 'where' expresstion from the Application layer. The advantage in this approach is one function for each table so the client can search in a free and dynamic way insted of givving him 5 (for example) ways; restrict his search.
For that I need to give my Application layer a DLL of my DAL layer. Doing that is not a good approach to solve the problem (givving the user to build his search dynamicly insted of restrict him with a builded up search functions). If the Application layer have a DLL to my DAL layer, the Aplication layer can declare a ContextObject and do bad things for my Data-Base.
What can I do for solving this problem?
Thanks alot, Stav Alfi.
Update 1:
As you know, the Linq to Sql build a class to each table. I dont want to expose the DAL DLL to the Application layer so I can not use Linq to Sql's classes in the Application layer. The solution I found is to build classes that look the same to the Linq to Sql's classes, so the Application layer can use them. The BL layer is resposnibol for convring those classes. From the fact that the Application layer does not use Linq to Sql's classes, I can't give to the Application layer a IQueryable (Any result of Any function of the BL layer is converted to the Application layer's classes).
Update 2:
The Linq to Sql have LinqClientDB.designer.cs and it Build up those classes
If I expose the DAL layer to the Application layer, the Application layer can have access to the LinqClientDBDataContext class. this is not a good approach. So in the BL layer I convert the DAL.Client class to a BL.Client class but then I cant have a dynamic search on the Client's table. What can I do?
c# - How the Application layer will be able to dynamicly query the DB in the DAL layer?
Some advice me to open new topic insteed that topic becouse there is no solution for my problem. Now I will need your help to re-design my layers. Linq To Sql - Making a dynamic search for the Application layer without exposing DAL layer as DLL
My project consist of 3 layers: DAL, BL, Application. The Linq2Sql is exsist in the DAL layer and he auto-generate a class to each table in the data base, and a ContextObject to manage the data base. I cant change anything in this classes becouse any change in the DB will couse re-auto-generation of those classes.
those classes are exposed to the BL layer. The Application layer does not need to be exposed to the LinqClientDBDataContext (ContextObject) so I can't expose the Application layer to any auto-generated code of the Linq2Sql (In this case The Client class). Thats why I made a "Duplicate" class of Client that is generated in the BL layer by the DAL.Client Object :
The problem comes when I try give the Application layer a IQueryable so the Application layer can dynamicly creat queries and filter the results as he want:
Exception: Method 'BusinessLogic.Client Convert(ClientDataAccessLayer.Client)' has no supported translation to SQL.
This code gives this exception and I know why but I cant Find Any better solution for this problem.
Feel free to help me re-design my project so the application can dynamicly query the DB.
Thanks alot, Stav Alfi.
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2. 数据库复制——我知道我需要使用某种日志传送来在数据库之间进行同步。有什么限制和指导方针?我需要知道是否存在良好性能与数据库的最新复制之间的权衡。一篇好文章会有所帮助。
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总体而言,操作系统发生了很大变化(基本保持不变),我理解这个问题可以被认为是 A_VERY_PLATFORM_DEPENDENT,但从今天的应用程序开发人员的角度来看,他要么被困(?)在某些框架中,要么是胆大妄为的 coder,谁正在研究作为 COM 的原始技术,非常依赖,我会调用 VERY_CONTROLLED_ENVIRONMENT。
PS:我不是在谈论 RTOS,我的意思是受控环境是指 Windows、Linux,我从来没有指设备驱动程序开发或操作系统开发。
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1.ui 控制器接收请求 2.creates AuthCtrl 的实例 3.AuthCtrl 创建 LoginForm 的实例并用传递给 authCtrl 的请求数据填充它 4.LoginForm 执行登录 5.authCtrl 执行特定于这种特定登录方式的其他事情-> 向 ui 控制器返回错误
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变化),然后当前行被推入另一个 table tblEmploymentHistory
与 unique 结合起来EmploymentIdentifier
通过从它连接在一起的行(即 from )进行各种计算来计算一个数字(对于每一行tblEmployment and tblEmploymentHistory
废弃视图并将其移动到我的应用程序的应用程序层是否“正确”?显然,拥有视图的好处是速度很快,并且在代码中对大约 100.000 行进行计算需要一些时间。但是,可以通过过滤掉行来优化它,使数字在 10.000 左右。