public enum UserType
public class Order
public int OrderId {get; private set}
public int RequestedQuantity {get; private set}
public int ApprovedQuantity {get; private set}
public void RequestQuantity(int quantity, UserType userType)
if (userType == UserType.RequesterUserType)
this.RequestedQuantity = quantity;
// Question: The direction that the approved quantity can change is a business rule
// but directly deals with the context of the user. Should the model know about the user
// or should this validation be pulled out to either the application service, a model extension,
// or maybe a specification?
public void ApproveQuantity(int quantity, UserType userType)
if (userType == UserType.RequesterUserType)
if (quantity <= this.ApprovedQuantity)
// Requester type user can only update if lowering the approved quantity
this.ApprovedQuantity = quantity;
else if(userType == UserType.SupplierUserType)
if (quantity >= this.ApprovedQuantity)
// Supplier type user can only update if increasing the approved quantity
this.ApprovedQuantity = quantity;