问题标签 [amortized-analysis]
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algorithm - 二进制计数器摊销分析
我猜你已经知道,如果数组中的所有条目都从 0 开始,并且在每一步我们将计数器增加 1(通过翻转 0 和 1),那么 k 增量的摊销成本为 O(k)。
但是,如果数组以 n 开头会发生什么?我认为 k 增量的复杂性现在可能是 O(log(n) + k),因为在开始时 1 的最大数量是 log(n)。
有什么建议么 ?
algorithm - 在二叉搜索树中插入 n 个序列的摊销成本是多少?
algorithm - 算法的摊销分析
algorithm - 最佳情况、平均情况、最坏情况和摊销情况分析
插入包含 N 个整数(表示堆栈)的(未排序)数组 a 的插槽 a[0] 的最坏情况、平均情况和最佳情况运行时间是多少?给出 theta 范围。
如果每次插入都发生在 a[0] 处,则将 N 个整数插入一个初始为空的数组 a(代表一个堆栈)的摊销运行时间是多少?给出一个紧密的 O 界并解释你的答案。
讲师很清楚我们正在对 a[0] 进行所有插入,并且没有从这个“堆栈”中删除。
假设:a.length >> N
最好的情况是 Theta(1),它发生在我们插入一个空的“堆栈”时。
最坏的情况是 Theta(N),因为作为插入过程的一部分,我们必须移动 N-1 个元素以在 a[0] 处腾出空间。
平均情况也是 Theta(N),因为无论如何,我们总是要移动 N-1 个元素。
每个插入成本(N-1),我们有 N 个元素,所以我们使用:
摊销成本将是 N^2 / N = O(N)
algorithm - 外行人的摊销复杂性?
binary-search-tree - 平衡二叉搜索树的摊销复杂度
我不完全确定摊销复杂性意味着什么。采用平衡二叉搜索树数据结构(例如红黑树)。正常搜索的成本自然是 log(N),其中 N 是节点数。但是按升序排列的 m 次搜索序列的摊销复杂度是多少。它只是log(N)/m吗?
algorithm - 为堆栈调整数组大小的摊销分析
命题。在 Stack 的大小调整数组实现中,从空数据结构开始的任何操作序列的平均数组访问次数在最坏的情况下是恒定的。
证明草图:对于导致数组增长的每个 push()(例如从大小 N 到大小 2N),考虑N/2 - 1
最近导致堆栈大小增长到 k 的 push() 操作,对于 k 从N/2 + 2 to N
. 平均 4N 次数组访问以通过 N/2 次数组访问(每次推送一次)来增长数组,我们得到每个操作的平均 9 次数组访问成本。证明任何 M 操作序列使用的数组访问次数与 M 成正比更加复杂。(算法第 4 版第 1.4 章)
algorithm - How to analyze of the complexity of this code?
I am solving a problem from codeforces. According to the editorial, the complexity of the following code should be O(n).
Here, height[i]
is the height of i
-th hill and r[i]
is the position of the first right hill which is higher than height[i]
, and height[0]
is the always greatest among other values of height array.
My question is, how we can guarantee the complexity of the code to be O(n) although the inner while loop's being?
In the inner while loop, the code updates r[i]
values until height[i]
> height[r[i]]
. and the number of the updates depends on height array. For example, the number of updates of the height array sorted by non-decreasing order will be different from that of the height array sorted by non-increasing order. (in both cases, the we will sort the array except height[0]
, because height[0]
should be always maximum in this problem).
And Is there any method to analyze an algorithm which varies on input data like this? amortized analysis will be one of answers?
PS. I would like to clarify my question more, We are to set the array r[] in the loop. And what about this? if the array height = {5,4,1,2,3}
and i=1
, (r[2]=3
, r[3]=4
because 2 is the first value which is greater than 1, and 3 is the first value which is greater than 2) we are to compare 4 with 1, and because 4>1, we keep trying to compare 4 and 2(=height[r[2]]
), 4 with 3(=height[r[3]]
). In this case we have to compare 4 times to set r[1]. The number of comparison is differ from when height = {5,1,2,3,4}
. Can we still guarantee the complexity of the code to be O(n)? If I miss something, Please let me know. Thank you.
data-structures - 这可能是什么数据结构?
访问索引为 i 的对象将在 O(1) 时间内完成
证明对于 K 数量的未使用内存,在摊销分析中插入的复杂性是 O(n/k)。
java - StringBuffer and amortization
In ArrayList
the add operation is amortized operation. So while reading StringBuffer
it came to my mind why the StringBuffer
is not amortized. Suppose I use append operation on a string buffer object then it should be able to add those many no of characters in it's underlying array implementation. But instead I found in source code that we have
in append operation of string buffer. So my question is can't the StringBuffer
be amortized so it can give us less that O(N) complexity?