问题标签 [admin-generator]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
symfony - Could not parse version constraint >=1.9.1 <3.0: Invalid version string "1.9.1 <3.0" in GeneratorBundle
I'm trying to install GeneratorBundle for Symfony 2.6 with Composer.
I'm following the documentation.
But i get the following Composer error:
I tried to install AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle, but there is the same problem.
Can you help me?
My composer.json
Maybe someone knows some other admin bundle for Symfony, regardless of sonataadminbundle? Something not very difficult
php - 在 Symfony2 Admin Generator 上自定义消息
我在 Symfony 2.6 上有我的管理生成器,我需要自定义消息,主要是删除选项上的错误消息。
templates - Symfony1 模板默认和后备或模块之间的模板共享
我在 Symfony1 应用程序上工作。
对于应用程序的一部分,我们使用 symfony 管理生成器,它为特定模块构建默认操作和模板。
可以在子操作类中覆盖自动生成的操作方法,并且可以通过在模块的模板文件夹中创建一个具有相同名称的模板来覆盖模板。使用本地模板而不是自动生成的模板,这些模板存储在缓存文件夹中(我认为这是正常的 symfony 行为)。
但我有 3 个模块做非常相似的事情,我想分享。
我有所有 3 个操作都扩展了相同的自定义操作类,因此它们都实现了相同的方法并共享相同的方法。
php - framework code not showing up in git?
So, I'm working on a PHP project and I'm using this framework: https://github.com/jonseg/crud-admin-generator
But, when I go to commit the files to my git repo, the only files I see are the ones originally created by me. Why aren't I seeing this framework or the changes I've made to this framework? Why can't I commit any of these files? I'm kind of new at git so I'm sorry if this is an easy one...
I have tried searching for all .git files and removing them, running "rm -fr .git" in that directory, making random changes to files, and committing from the command line.