So, I'm working on a PHP project and I'm using this framework: https://github.com/jonseg/crud-admin-generator

But, when I go to commit the files to my git repo, the only files I see are the ones originally created by me. Why aren't I seeing this framework or the changes I've made to this framework? Why can't I commit any of these files? I'm kind of new at git so I'm sorry if this is an easy one...

I have tried searching for all .git files and removing them, running "rm -fr .git" in that directory, making random changes to files, and committing from the command line.


2 回答 2



因为使用 git 的通常流程是:

  • 从 github 克隆 / 为 git 初始化空目录。
  • 使用“git add -a”添加文件(-a 代表添加当前文件夹中的所有文件)
  • 提交: git commit -m "我的提交信息"
  • push : git push origin master


也许你可以看看这里开始使用 git: https ://git-scm.com/doc


于 2015-08-03T02:27:39.107 回答

你有.gitignore档案吗?可能是该.gitignore文件指定 Git 应忽略框架中的文件。

于 2015-08-03T02:09:13.547 回答