问题标签 [adaptor]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
sap - 在 SAP OMS 和 Websphere Commerce 之间进行交互的最简单方法是什么?
是否会为 SAP 或 webmethods 使用 Websphere Adapter 或其他什么?选择其中之一时是否需要考虑其他因素???最终系统需要在 SAP 和 WCS 前端之间同步。没有问题..没有延迟....
file - BizTalk:使用文件适配器删除接收位置上的“垃圾邮件”消息
我的客户有时会在他们的 BizTalk 文件放置位置收到“垃圾邮件”消息,即不是接收位置过滤器预期类型的文件,例如 .doc 而不是 .xls。文件适配器没有删除此类“垃圾”的选项 - 可能是有充分理由的 - 我们无法阻止这些文件的发送者偶尔发送它们。
我的解决方案是使用计划任务定期运行 powershell 脚本,该脚本将所有与接收位置过滤器不匹配的文件移动到一个文件夹,用户可以在其中检查文件,并删除任何“垃圾邮件”,从而防止文件夹从最终填满。
php - Zend_Auth:为什么要验证名为适配器的对象而不是策略?
php - 需要 PHP 脚本的简单 Hello World Zend 框架
根据 Phpinfo Zend 已安装(Zend Engine v2.1.0)。但是,当我调用 zend 数据库命令时,它们会在没有响应或错误消息的情况下被吞下。(该脚本已在我的本地服务器上进行了测试)。
我正在寻找一个“Zend hello world”的 php 脚本,它会告诉我 Zend 运行正常。
c# - 不想 JSON 序列化整个类列表
我想将此列表转换为 JSON 以在类似于此的下拉列表中使用
我遇到的问题是我只想使用站点类的 id 和 name 属性。我在想一种解决方法是使用一个“适配器”类,然后只公开这两个属性,然后我会序列化它。
windows - Network Adaptro 是否配置了 IP 地址?如何使用 vc++/Windows api 进行检查?
嗨,任何人都可以分享有关使用 dhcp 或手动配置了 IP 地址或未配置网络适配器的信息。如何使用 vc++/Windows api 进行检查?
c++ - STL:使用 ptr_fun 为“const T &”类型调用 bind2nd
android - ListView 项目不可点击。为什么?
使用自定义适配器的,但我无法单击 ListView Item ..
places_list.xml 布局
adapter_content.xml 布局
biztalk - BizTalk NSoftware SFTP - Read first file only when second file received
I have a scenario where client drop an XML and a .FINISHED file. Client create the .FINISHED file once it’s finishes writing XML file. Both file have same name. As you can see, I can’t start reading .XML before .FINISHED created. Once XML copied to target I like to delete both files from the client location.
It looks very typical problem but I think SFTP and SSO have made it non-typical.
I am developing on BizTalk 2009 using /n software SFTP Adaptor for BizTalk with SSO for authentication.
I have to use SFTP as I can’t use FTP protocol.
There are some solutions I have Googled and tried but all are FTP based and/or using Correlation.
I have to use SSO for managing credentials.
software SFTP Adaptor provides the feature to use SSO and it is working fine under normal scenario where I have to read/write without waiting for .FINISHED file.
I have used following approaches:
Correlation – Parallel/Sequential
After spending some time I realised that I can’t use Correlation as I have to wait for .FINISHED file before start reading .XML. Client starts writing XML first and then FINISHED
When I drop the .XML receive location picks the file without waiting for .FINISHED and Orchestration through exception depending upon situation.
For this solution I have got help from following blog
Please correct me if I have wrong understanding.
Using a .Net Component to Get the XML File from SFTP location once .FINISHED received:
I see this as solution but I am having issues getting file from SFTP site. I have to use SSO for authentication and can’t find any .NET based SFTP solution using SSO.
For this solution I have got help from following site:
Another possible solution is to change Software or any other SFTP Adaptor’s receive location or URI within Orchestration at runtime i.e. initially set it to .FINISHED once received change it to .XML and get it.
Don’t know how to achieve it but is it possible within orchestration??
java - 如何在 Eclipse 项目中导入 OpenAdaptor?
我想调查 OpenAdaptor。我找到了课