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ios - 通讯录记录能否以编程方式链接?

ABPerson 有 api 来获取所有“链接”的人员记录。


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ios - 有没有办法在iOS7的联系人详细信息中拦截通话按钮(耳机图像)

我对来自 AdressBook 的联系方式有疑问。我使用方法personViewController:shouldPerformDefaultActionForPerson:property:identifier:来获取选定的号码,但是当用户点击耳机图像时,我无法获取选定的号码。有没有办法做到这一点?这个耳机按钮只存在于iOS7中。

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ios - 将电话号码添加到 ABPerson


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ios - 控制 ABNewPersonViewController



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ios - 为地址簿联系人存储 kABPersonImageFormatThumbnail





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ios - iOS - ABAddressBook - 向现有联系人添加属性

我希望我的代码为某些联系人添加相同的属性。我在苹果开发者网站上看到了这个 ,但我无法让它工作。我不介意我的财产是评论类型还是评论kABPersonInstantMessageProperty类型。


我的代码是(这假设将属性“TEST”添加到第一个联系人 - 据我所知):

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contact - peoplePickerNavigationController didSelectPerson 未调用链接联系人

当用户使用 ABPeoplePickerNavigationController 点击链接联系人的属性时 - 既不 - (void)peoplePickerNavigationController:(ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *)peoplePicker didSelectPerson:(ABRecordRef)person property:(ABPropertyID)property identifier:(ABMultiValueIdentifier)identifier 也不 (BOOL) peoplePickerNavigationController:(ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *)peoplePicker shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson:(ABRecordRef)person property:(ABPropertyID)property identifier:(ABMultiValueIdentifier)identifier被调用。对于定期联系,这很有效。我究竟做错了什么?


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iphone - 没有得到“-”“。” " " 在从 ABPerson 的电话簿中接听联系人时

我的主要动机是如果 + 存在,则从数字中提取国家代码。

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ios - Assigning a custom date with custom label to a contact

I have an app that from some reason needs to assign a custom date to the user contacts, The app was out and worked fine. Now I wish to build a swift version of the app.

While testing it on xCode 6, iOS7 + 8 everything looks great, but when testing in a device I see that the date is added as the Anniversary date of the user and without my custom label.

I tried to add the date directly in the native Contacts app and found that new contacts does not have an option to add a custom date.

Testing on Yosemite I still find this option available.

When checking the ABPerson API I found that the API still has the kABMultiDatePropertyType

It is important to note that when saving the new date I do not get any Error and the date is saved but without my custom label which is important as I do not want to override the user Anniversary date.

Any idea why this is happening / any workaround ?

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ios - 匹配来自 IOS 和 OS X 的通讯录记录?

有没有办法将 OS X 上的 ABPerson 记录中的唯一标识符与 IOS 上的唯一标识符匹配?乍一看,我无法从通讯簿上的同一个人那里获得相同的 ID。对于初学者,在 mac 上属性 kABUIDProperty 是字符串类型,而在 iOS 上,ABRecordID 是整数类型。

所以我的问题是,考虑到两个设备都是通过 iCloud 同步的,我如何在 IOS 和 OS X 上检索相同的 ABPerson 记录。