这可能很有用:https ://raw.github.com/luismartingil/scripts/master/iterm_launcher02.applescript
-- Applescript to launch iterm2 terminals/tabs with configurable:
-- ~ List of commands <cmds>
-- ~ Color <color>
-- ~ Name <name>
-- ~ Transparency <trans>
-- ~ Zoom out <zoomout>
-- ~ Split behavior horizontal(h) or vertical(v) <split> :: (h, v)
-- Run from terminal with `osascript` or just ./<<script>>
-- Dont unfocus with the mouse/keyboard while executing. the script.
-- Recomended to go full screen (CMD + Enter) if <zoomout> attributes used.
-- Change myTermWindow and myItem(s) as desired.
-- Author: Luis Martin Gil http://www.luismartingil.com
-- Year : 2013
tell application "iTerm"
-- First tab
set myItem1 to {}
set myItem1 to myItem1 & {{color:"yellow", cmds:{"echo yellow", "ls -lrt"}, name:"name_yellow", trans:"0.1", zoomout:4, split:"h"}}
set myItem1 to myItem1 & {{color:"blue", cmds:{"echo blue1", "ls -lrt"}, name:"name_blue1", trans:"0.1", zoomout:2, split:"v"}}
set myItem1 to myItem1 & {{color:"blue", cmds:{"echo blue2", "ls -lrt"}, name:"name_blue2", trans:"0.1", zoomout:4, split:"v"}}
set myItem1 to myItem1 & {{color:"blue", cmds:{"echo blue3", "ls -lrt"}, name:"name_blue3", trans:"0.1", zoomout:6}}
-- Second tab
set myItem2 to {}
set myItem2 to myItem2 & {{color:"red", cmds:{"echo red1", "ls -lrt"}, name:"name_red1", trans:"0.1", zoomout:8, split:"h"}}
set myItem2 to myItem2 & {{color:"red", cmds:{"echo red2", "ls -lrt"}, name:"name_red2", trans:"0.1", zoomout:4}}
-- Third tab
set myItem3 to {}
set myItem3 to myItem3 & {{color:"green", cmds:{"echo green", "ls -lrt"}, name:"name_green", trans:"0.1", zoomout:2, split:"v"}}
set myItem3 to myItem3 & {{color:"purple", cmds:{"echo purple", "ls -lrt"}, name:"name_purple", trans:"0.1", zoomout:4}}
set myTermWindow to {myItem1, myItem2, myItem3}
set myterm to (make new terminal)
tell myterm
repeat with n from 1 to count of myTermWindow
launch session n
repeat with i from 1 to count of (item n of myTermWindow)
-- Lets set the properties of the actual tab
tell the last session to set name to name of (item i of (item n of myTermWindow))
tell the last session to set background color to color of (item i of (item n of myTermWindow))
tell the last session to set transparency to trans of (item i of (item n of myTermWindow))
-- Some commands might require more columns to be readable
repeat zoomout of (item i of (item n of myTermWindow)) times
tell i term application "System Events" to keystroke "-" using command down
end repeat
-- Lets execute the commands for the tab
repeat with cmd in cmds of (item i of (item n of myTermWindow))
tell the last session to write text cmd
end repeat
-- Split the pane in a "D" (vertical) or "d" (horizontal) way
if i is less than (count of (item n of myTermWindow)) then
if "h" is split of (item i of (item n of myTermWindow)) then
set split_str to "D"
else if "v" is split of (item i of (item n of myTermWindow)) then
set split_str to "d"
end if
tell i term application "System Events" to keystroke split_str using command down
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end tell